Book 4 - Chapter 24

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"I don't believe it!" Theodore said, in a stunned voice as the Hogwarts students filed back up the steps behind the party from Durmstrang. "Krum! It's Viktor Krum! Drac, please tell me you know who Krum is!"

"I know, Theodore," Ellie hummed nowhere near as excited as he was, still holding onto Daphne with her left arm. Her right hand was reaching into her robes for her glasses. "He's just a Quidditch player," she said, placing the metal frames across the bridge of her nose and sliding the arms over her ears.

"Just a Quidditch player!?" said Theodore, looking at her like she had just committed a cardinal sin. "Drac - he's one of the best Seekers in the world! I didn't know he was still in school!"

As they recrossed the Entrance Hall with the rest of the Hogwarts students heading for the Great Hall, Ellie saw Fred and George holding Lee Jordan up in the air over their heads so he could get a better look at the back of Krum's head. And, several sixth-year girls were frantically searching their pockets as they walked.

Ellie pulled on Daphne's arm for her attention.

"Are you sure?" she asked quietly, allowing Daphne to follow her graze toward the twins. "They're - something." Fred and George were now trying to throw Lee across the top of the crowd in a horizontal position so he could get closer to Krum.

"Oh, I don't believe it, I haven't got a single quill on me -"

"Hey -" said Daphne, tugging playfully back on Ellie's arm. "I've never even talked to them. You've -"

"We don't need to hear what bloodsucker has done with half the ginger circus," Pansy scoffed.

"D'you think he'd sign my hat in lipstick?"

"Well, I'm getting his autograph if I can," said Theodore as they passed the girls squabbling about the lipstick. "Nobody's got a quill, do they?"

"Nope - Hi Lee - sorry, Theodore," said Ellie as Lee crowd surfed over their heads and into the Great Hall.

They walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. Theodore instantly perked up, as did Malfoy and Blaise, as the Durmstrang students started to file toward the green and silver decorated table. The students from Beauxbatons were beginning to choose seats from at the Ravenclaw table and were looking around the Great Hall with glum expressions on their faces. Three of them were still clutching scarves and shawls around their heads.

"It's not that cold," said Pansy lowly. "Why didn't they bring cloaks?" 

"Over here! Come and sit over here!" Theodore called, waving his hands in the air. "Over here! We can make space!"

"Who's we -?" Ellie started to ask, but it was too late.

Viktor Krum and his fellow Durmstrang students were on their way over. Theodore shoved Ellie to the side, sliding her down the bench, and Malfoy followed suit with Pansy, making room right in the middle of their group for the newcomers. Ellie felt a twang of discontent as Viktor Krum slid into her spot, right next to Theodore, right across from Malfoy.

Ellie's mouth was slightly agape as she watched a few more students stride over and take places at the table. All the while, the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team was watching too, the same look on their faces, though maybe a little more irritated. Malfoy instantly leaned over the table and began to chat up Krum.

"Well," said Ellie, still watching in disbelief, "see how much we mean to them."

Neither Daphne nor Pansy responded to her. Pansy was too busy watching the students from Beauxbatons, and Daphne was staring across the room at Fred and George, who were staring right back, trying to talk to her so they could get Krum's attention.

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