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Marguerite had instantly been in a bad mood when she'd been left with her best friend's brothers, while Shiv was off flirting with the boy that she had openly had her eyes on for the week.

What had happened to Girl Code? Shiv would've massacred if it had gone the other way around, and she had done it.

Anyone who got too close to her siblings, or asked about them too much/romantically got the boot. Immediately.

But Shiv had taken the boy.

It really wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

But to a freshly fourteen year old girl on a vacation, it was the world. And now her best friend was swimming around with him, while she had been stuck up on the deck with her best friend's older brothers.

Again, a fantasy for some, but for her it had just seemed odd.

The Roy siblings were certainly interesting, but also quite strange, and they also didn't seem to view her as anything but Shiv's friend and not quite as an actual person.

Roman was the only one who'd really interact to her.

But it was almost always derogatory, or on a surface level. Kendall was too focused on his own life to chat with her. Connor would try to talk, but seeing as he was way older than the rest of them, his conversation usually came off as forced and uncomfortable.

"So how did you of all people end up with Shiv?" Roman jokes "Did she threaten your loved ones? Kidnap you?" And then he lets out a loud snicker and says "Does our Dad pay you hourly?"

"We go to the same school." Marguerite had answered awkwardly.

"School, right. The place he pays to go raise Shiv. But how did you meet?"

"Come on Rome, lay off." Kendall said in the background, his eyes still resting on his book. Not even bothering to look up from it.

"What? Dad allows a chick, one from Shiv's little lesbo school, on vacation for the first time ever and you don't want to know everything?"

"Remember why you're in military school?" He asks, finally looking up. "Borderline harassment, yeah. Look in the mirror."

"Fuck you" he replied, scratching the back of his head and then whispering to Marguerite "Kendall thinks this is how you get people to like him."

"What was that Rome?"

"Oh nothing, just discussing the ethics and morality of Kendall Roy. Since you're so complex and all. Ooo look at me, I'm Kendall. I have philosophical debates in my head since the debate team rejected me!"

"Fuck you." Kendall says rolling his eyes and attempting to return to his book. "It was actually a mutual decision. You know that."

"Mutual?" Roman scoffs

"He thinks that makes him look smarter" Roman whispers, pointing to his book, causing Marguerite to give a small smile.

Kendall groans, closing his book and looking over at the two before focusing his gaze on Marguerite "On a scale of 1-10 how comfortable are you in his presence? I'll tell his parole officer."

She wrinkles her nose, turning to look at Roman, who is gaping at Kendall—he seems as if he's either about to cry, or laugh.

"That's not true."

"Sure it is. They'll ship him back and give him a nice small rap on the wrist, for insulting women and all. Maybe he'll have to read feminist literature."

cannibal; kendall roy Where stories live. Discover now