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"So, have either of you thought about what kind of wedding you're looking for? Thematically? Venue wise? Budget?" The woman appeared to be almost ecstatic as she sat in front of the couple, obviously being familiar with who they were.

"Budget is no issue. We uh, well, we can assure you on that" Kendall says with a grin, standing in front of the chair Marguerite was sitting in, his hands on her shoulders gently

"Oh, of course. I didn't mean to imply-"

Marguerite clears her throat, a hand instinctively reaching up for Kendall's "You didn't imply anything. You're fine."

The meeting was practically a formality.

Marguerite, despite the tension lingering in their relationship. The coke buzzing in her veins. All of it. She would've married him anywhere.

"Well, how do you feel about the Plaza Hotel?" She asks, looking between Kendall and Marguerite

"Could I see photos?" Marguerite asks "Do you have any?"

She was pretending to really care.

The woman nods, digging through a folder and sliding them across to her "It's very exclusive-"

"No. My dad er, uh, my dad wouldn't go for this. It's too" Kendall grimaces "It's too familiar for him, like anyone can fucking walk into the Plaza Hotel. Who wants that feeling for their wedding?"

"The Pierre, then?"

Kendall squints "Can you show her photos?"

She nods, closing the photos of the Plaza and pulling out photos of the next location, sliding the glossy images to Marguerite, who runs her fingers over them with uncertainty "It's..." she looks up to Kendall and shrugs "I don't know."

He leans in "It's fucking better than the Plaza, that's for sure" and then kisses her cheek gently "And uh, for theme I think we just want to keep it you know, normal, white tie."

"So, The Pierre then?" The planner asks, Marguerite slowly wishing she had cared to remember her name, considering her desk didn't have a name tag attached to it.

"Sure. Ken, is that good with you?" She asks

"Yeah. Sounds good. How many people can we fit?" He asks

"Around four hundred and fifty. Maybe five hundred max. I'm sure that's plenty, right?"

He nods his head and then frowns looking down at Marguerite and then chuckles a little "We'll uh, we'll start coordinating with your people about a guest list. Okay? Sound good?"

"Absolutely. I'm looking forwards to working with the both of you" she offers a friendly smile to the both of them and then watches as they get up, exiting the room.

"She seems nice" Kendall mutters "Fucking expensive though."

Marguerite rolls her eyes "Your bank is really getting broken over this."

"Funny, Lou. You're funny" he wraps an arm around her waist as they step into the elevator, preparing to go down "So I uh, I took the day off"

"Uh-huh?" Her eyes flit up to look him in the eye, a curious look on her face "You know I still have work, right? And does taking a day get you what you want?"

She didn't want to work. In all honesty she didn't.

He deadpans and then rolls his eyes playfully "It gets me what I want, which is you."

"Yeah. Sure. Do you want me to take you with me?
Or are you just trying to sit in my pocket while I have meetings?"

He grins "I was uh, I was actually hoping you'd sit in mine."

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