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Louis Garnier hadn't been able to get away from work to take his daughter to her admitted students week, which had obviously upset Marguerite.

But she was used to it nonetheless. Her father had stopped showing up for school events a long time ago. Nowadays he just signed papers and forms and then faxed them over.

It felt like a fucking joke to her.

That now, of all times he still couldn't put his work aside and take some time for her.

Even Logan Roy aided and abetted his children. He took Kendall to Harvard. He took Roman to Brown, and now he was taking Shiv to Barnard's admitted students day.

She'd honestly thought he was angry with her, because she'd chosen to avoid all of the French universities the college admissions counselor he'd hired for her had circled and pin-pointed for her.

Most of which were schools he had gone to for his degrees. Even where he'd gotten his first art history degree.

They weren't good enough for her, or at least that's what she thought back then. Tossing hundreds of thousands of dollars at classrooms in America was what she wanted instead.

Besides, that's where all of her friends were going. The Ivy Leagues of America.

There were also a few from her class choosing to go overseas, usually to places like Oxford, or for the more modern student, LSE.

But Marguerite had gotten into Harvard.

Something her own best friend hadn't even achieved, which was something she'd more recently found out upon Shiv's commitment to Barnard.

Despite being some sort of legacy, seeing as how Kendall had gone to Harvard, and how Logan Roy was more than willing to build a building—Shiv Roy had gotten waitlisted.

And Logan had been beyond pissed—even meeting with the admissions officer to complain, or attempt to slide a check in his direction, showing his willingness that exceeded plenty of other parents. Especially Louis Garnier.

Definitely more willing than Louis ever was. Who had said that donating to a school she hadn't even gotten into yet was ridiculous. He had donated after the fact. Which she'd found embarrassing. The school liked it though. But of course they did. Universities love money.

Shiv was convinced that the donation afterwards, and the fact that Marguerite wasn't even American had contributed to her acceptance to the university.

So she'd been even more gleeful to find out that while Logan would be attending her admitted students weekend at Barnard, that Marguerite's father would not.

Their conversation had gone along these lines:

"I mean, Logan Roy at Barnard. A historically women's school. I'm still surprised he said yes."

"Are you sure he won't burn the place down?"

"Very funny. But he actually promised to behave for once. Besides, doesn't it look better for him if he goes to visit some liberal school?" Shiv questioned "I mean, for his reputation."

"Are you sure he'll be able to enter? Like Mary Magdalene and the Church?"

"Are you sure your country wouldn't burn you on the cross?"

"They didn't burn Joan of Arc on the cross." Her accent came out thickly when she said Joan of Arc, choosing to use the French pronunciation. Her accent being the one thing she had hidden well, except for when she spoke in French.

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