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Kendall was good at leading Marguerite around, as he'd been doing it for years.

Or had been doing it- when they'd used to hit up the various clubs and parties they'd get invited to.

When people would pretend to be her friends, and he'd creep up behind her shoulder and make them nice. Kendall was an expert at making Marguerite feel like she was at the top of the god damn world.

Normally all it took was a fuck session, or his hands on her, whether it was to comfort or fuck her.

Then he'd throw her a concoction of words that he knew would fix her right up, words that would smother her. In his eyes, she just had issues with confidence, especially when it came to herself.

Or with Garnier.

Everything with her last name and her business, or her father- it was guaranteed to make her freeze the fuck up and stop in her tracks. She hated being reminded of her god damn legacy, even though it was older, tougher and just as wealthy as the Roy's and more than anyone else's. Kendall never understood it. He would've killed to have what she had.

Sure, Louis appeared to be a deadbeat, but at least there was no eternal fight for his damn throne.

Louis had died, and beforehand had tried multiple times to hand the reigns over to his daughter. He knew this through his Father, as Logan had used to fondly talk about how much of a cuck Louis was.

And how his damn kid was a fuckup, but at least smart enough to not take control of the company.

Logan actually liked to speculate that Louis was trying to sink Garnier and end up penniless, and that this particular plot involved giving the company to his daughter.

Who seemed to be in and out of rehab- according to ATN at least, while Twitter and PGM seemed to say that she was jetting around working, or building up a second rate magazine, into a reputable publication.

Kendall had no doubt that Logan planted stories, or at least gave word of it.

Not to hurt her, but him and possibly Louis. After all, Logan had been a nonexistent supporter of his longterm affair with Marguerite. Well, at the end at least. He knew how Logan felt in the beginning. About her at least.

Marguerite herself, on the other hand, she knew she was being fucked with this stupid fucking job at American Vogue. She was going to be pigeon holed into the same situation that Kendall and his siblings were always stuck in. She didn't want to work under some old hag. Fuck that.

And the other fashion magazines were too indie, too underground, or too girlboss. She'd kill herself before working for the pastel colored Cosmopolitan Magazine. Maybe, if Paper wanted her, or if Interview was still around.

She wasn't going to start a new magazine. Right? That'd be stupid. Wouldn't it? Publications were going down. They weren't as profitable anymore. Right?

She didn't know.

Either way, she felt like her reputation had been trashed. That would be her biggest concern. They thought she was done for.

Sure, she had Garnier.

A multi-billion dollar corporation, with international relations and flagships. Partnerships with some of the most valuable and precious companies. It had been family run and built for almost a fucking century. A god damn century of sons.

Except for her.

It felt like a bad omen for her to be put in charge.

Besides, she didn't want it.

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