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"Margey, your husband is so boring" Lukas had remarked to her from the bathroom of the plane "He and his little dog, so predictable. I actually had to go to the old folks home. Behind their backs."

"I'm sorry" she murmured "But I suppose he's set on keeping the company."

Lukas scoffs "And doing what? They're dead in the water. Waystar is like uh—a fucking zombie"

"I'm just his wife, you know that" Marguerite hums into the phone "I get treated differently."

"I know, you're like his fucking doll. It would be adorable if you were like a Barbie doll. Then you'd say cute things, you'd tell me you were an astronaut, or want to be President."

Marguerite frowns "And what am I for you?"

Lukas has to pause and think about it. He isn't used to giving real and emotional answers to people. He's used to people giving it to him. "A good fuck. But you're good, you know? You have skill. I'm going to fit you into GoJo after all of this. I want you there."

"For what?" She jokes, feeling slightly unsure of how he had described her. Feeling that vague job offers and descriptions of good sex weren't enough to make her trust in him, despite how supported she felt otherwise.

Remember, she wasn't looking for income.

She was looking for trust.

For drive, and something to work for.

"You're good with publications and press, aren't you?" He asks "You have to be. They keep offering you jobs."

"But that's for fashion. I've never done corporate. Why trust me?"

"Eh, you ran Garnier. For what that counts for. And by the way, I liked that"

"You just like messy things."

"Pretty things" he corrects "Pretty, good things."

"But I'm not a thing?"

"You aren't. You're a person. And you know what I liked best about Garnier, Margey?" He leans into his phone, laughing softly "You didn't even care about it. You just kept going. Through everything you did. You were the face of your actions, or your COO's and you never retracted anything. That, takes balls."

"To not say anything? Really?" Marguerite questions

"Sure" he shrugs "You took the punches and lugged on. Kendall" Lukas sighs "He doesn't go quietly. I mean, it's Dad this, Dad that. And you?" He grins, although she can't say it "It's nothing. You just execute."

She wasn't sure if he meant execute as in kill, or execute as in following directions. She doesn't ask.

"But you like me."

"Of course. I keep seeing you, don't I? And you're married. It's a bonus."

"You like married women?"

"You're the first to really tempt me."

"Who else?"

"Would it be wrong to say your pal Shiv?"

Marguerite stiffens.

This is the same feeling she's had for ages. The one she had on the boat with Kendall. Shiv taking things and people that didn't belong to her. Or, having the aura to tempt them away from Marguerite. Marking her better.

"I'm joking, did you believe that?" He asks, snickering "Did you?"

"I did."

"You're a jealous girl. Really!" He seems over the moon with the notion "Wow. Would have never guessed. But no, your Shiv isn't my type."

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