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Poor little Greggy didn't know what to do.

He could take his information to Kendall, and dump it on the table, he could live in the present. Or he could hold onto it, save it. He could pander for gods that couldn't fall as easily as Kendall.

Meaning if the deal went through, he'd be under Lukas. Who keeping the secret would benefit more.

But he didn't have a chance to consult Tom.

Which left him thinking of the first option more.

Greg thought more of the present than the future anyway. He was constantly trying to keep himself alive and afloat.

So he snuck out to Kendall, seeing that he was alone, unaccompanied by Marguerite for once "Hey—uh, hey Ken. Could I talk to you?" He asked nervously, weaseling over to him.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" He looks around Greg, trying to spot if his wife has come out with their son yet. She hasn't.

He seems nervous "Have you uh—Have you ever thought that maybe Lukas gets—gets a little too close to uh, Marguerite?"

Kendall narrows his eyes "Greg"

"What? It's just a—a, it's just a question."

"Greg" he repeats himself slowly "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, I just saw them yesterday and I uh—I thought maybe I'd ask you about it."


Greg decides to lie "Yesterday after we all talked. You know? Before Sauna time?" He mimics Oskar, causing Kendall to roll his eyes.

"I was there, Greg. Yes."

"Oh—Okay. I just, I mean—She's your wife so I just, I thought you should be careful?"

"Thanks, Greg. I've been married before, two more times than you. I think I know what to do."

"I was trying to be a—a friend, okay?"

Kendall rolls his eyes "Right. Okay."

"Look, at least we're killing off GoJo members one by one like Kalispitron. Or Zanaplax."

"In 4DX, they move, they shoot water at you."

"Hey, you seen this?" Shiv asks, turning her phone around to show an article to Kendall "Nasty little piece about out here? You know, no one getting along, bad vibes..You know where this is coming from?"

Kendall shrugs his shoulders "Shiv"

"Them. I'm sure. They're probably trying to put the squeeze on you."

Roman approaches, looking at Kendall waving at Shiv before entering the conversation "Heard you were getting pretty close with Lukas last night."

"Mm. No. I think you're mistaking me for Lou. She's the one getting special attention. Why? Are you jealous?" She looks between the two siblings

"Did you find anything we can use? When you did talk to him?" Kendall asks, stiffening

"Uh" Shiv looks around "I mean honestly, no. I think he wants ATN for real, and he's gonna go high to get it."

"So what's the plan?" Gerri asks

"Up on the ridge. Crunch time."

"Okay, pitch is we retain ATN and we'll bite at 146. Or he takes ATN but we need a crazy premium. Good?"

"Yeah. Very good." Frank answers, nodding his head, the rest of the executives doing the same

Greg sees Tom. But he waits. Shiv is over there for now. So he sits down, waiting, sitting for attention.

And once she walks off, he goes in.

"Tom?" He asks "I have some um—how would you put it? Perilous information? Per say, uh valuable?"

"Speak normally, Greg." Tom mutters, watching Shiv walk off, and looking down at his shoes. Were they really that white?

"Last night, I was doing some Gregging for Kendall"

Tom cuts him off, faking a shocked gasp "You're a traitor, Greg. How could you?"

Greg sputters for a minute "I—I'm sorry. Okay? He—He asked me and I couldn't—I didn't think I could say no to the boss. Okay?"


"So, I went back into the uh, the woods, you know? For privacy? To call er uh, wait for a call, and I ended up in front of uh—Lukas's room thing I think?"

"Was he fucking a rando and listening to podcasts?" Tom asks, starting to wonder where the story was going at all.

"Well—Uh, it wasn't a rando." His eyes look away and dart over to where Kendall is now standing, talking to his wife and holding his son.

Tom's eyes follow and immediately widen "You caught them? Did they see you?" He whispers, immediately looking away, and pulling Greg in the opposite direction.

"No—No. I didn't. I mean, they didn't. But I did see them. Okay?"

"Proof, Greg. Do you have proof?"

Greg doesn't want to have to answer the question. But he does, and pulls out his phone, unlocking it and reluctantly showing Tom his camera roll. Where he has more than a few photos of the pair growing intimate.

"I don't like uh—having this on my phone, Tom. It feels gross. Even for me. For little ole me."

"Of course you don't" Tom says quickly "It's fucking porn. Everyone feels guilty, Greg."

"What do I do?" Greg's eyes look around "I tried to tell Kendall, but he just—he wouldn't listen."

Tom grabs onto his arm "No. You don't tell Kendall, Greg. You keep this. Okay?" He asks "You keep it? Hold onto it, until I can—or maybe you, can use it."

"But—we're still here, and they're acting like—like they're happy."

"Greg" Tom scoffs "You have nothing to gain from their relationship pretending to be good. But you can gain all the more from it being bad."

"I don't know, this—this just feels wrong, Tom. I mean, they're married. They have a kid and she's cheating."

Tom rolls his eyes "They don't have rules out here, Greg. She'd skin and stuff you alive, just like her coat."


"Greg, just listen to me" he grows serious "You are holding onto a bomb. It hasn't been detonated yet. You control everything. Right now, you're not in the war zone. Hold onto it."

"They're lying to one another—it's cheating, I mean their vows?"

"You have done far worse than kept a broken marriage together, Greg. Don't tell me you've got cold feet now."

"But—But, Tom. I don't want this on my phone. What if the ladies see?"

"Then it's a sex tape, Greg. You just got hired to film it. That's all you have to say."

And that was how Tom, convinced Greg to keep the biggest secret.

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