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Kendall Roy's big birthday bash was a nightmare come alive for Marguerite Roy, who had been having one of the worst days in a longtime. Her husband, had found out she had been drinking, for starters. Then he had thrown one of her father's diaries in a fire. Which she had then searched through the ashes for later.

And then she'd spent the rest of her morning sobering up, pretending that she wasn't beyond angry and pissed off with Kendall Roy. And then she'd followed him to prep for the stupid fucking party.

Watching him sing and rehearse, while she just wanted to cry.

Pages thirty through seventy eight were burnt to mush. The pages turned to ash in the fire place. Sure, she had pictures of the pages somewhere, but the physical copies would always be gone.

He hadn't even apologized.

He didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

Instead, he grinned, turning to her and saying "This is it, this is the full fucking thing. Isn't it Lou?"

She walked away when he said it.

He ignored her, promptly yelling "This is the full fucking thing!" again.

Hiding behind a corner she found Comfry, one of Kendall's newer PR goons, and one of the few she actually seemed to tolerate. Except for when she had confided in Marguerite that she found Greg somewhat hot.

That had been disgusting for her.

"Do you smoke?" She asked the woman, curiously

"Yeah, uh why?" Comfry looked down from her phone, then to Marguerite, looking somewhat confused.

"Great, give your pack to me now."

"Did you secretly have the baby or something?" she asks "because as much as I like you, I'm not trying to go to Ken-Jail."

Marguerite rolls her eyes "I'm his wife, you can listen to me"

Comfry squints "If you walk away now, I won't tell Kendall we had this conversation, and if you secretly happen to stumble upon a grey tote bag, you may or may not like its contents."

Marguerite grins and before running off, looks to Comfry who seems to have another question forming "You really aren't on good terms right now, are you?" She asks

"What do you mean?"

Comfry shrugs "Kendall was moody when he came in. Figured something happened between you. Kendall always gets bitchy when that happens."

She doesn't answer and walks off, sulking off to go find Comfry's bag, and allowing herself to go bum a singular smoke before Kendall hopped off to find her.

As she sat in the bathroom, her legs crossed as she took a hit from the cigarette, she thought about the morning that had turned into hell. Would he smell the scent of cigarettes on her next? Argue with her a little more?

She wasn't entirely sure.

But knew that she'd be relocating all of her father's journals to her former home and apartment. Which she hadn't put on the market, despite telling Kendall she would months ago.

Her properties and money weren't any of his concern, that was how she felt and continued to feel.

Finally, she dropped the stick into the toilet and popped a piece of gum in her mouth as she walked out of the restroom, where she found Kendall walking around with a ridiculously sized iPad.

"Lou, come here. You gotta see the optics on the guest list"

"I don't care, Kendall" she yells, crossing her arms and walking off in the opposite direction "I really don't give a shit about who's coming."

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