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Marguerite Roy arrived once more, to the birthday venue, this time, wrapped in the arms of her husband, for the actual event. She was still pissed at him, and planning to run off the minute after he did his first little walk around, but for the sake of appearances, everything was fine, for now.

She'd worn an old slip dress, something that had first been sewn into existence in the 1920's, and then been passed down, eventually ending up as a gift from a designer to her own mother. The dress, had been sitting in a vault for years and tonight, Marguerite had wanted it.

Hell, she'd had her hair blown out too. Feeling like an almost ridiculous caricature of her mother, Jerry Hall and Farrah Fawcett. In her defense, she looked good. Despite being five months pregnant, she was still relatively tiny.

She hadn't done any of it for Kendall.

But rather for herself, since she was happy with letting him watch her waltz around all evening, but not getting the opportunity to touch, or do anything more bastardly.

"So, turns out you were right, uh on the Mattson thing" He muttered to her as they walked in, his arm gently moving her forwards, and away from groups of people "There are some uh, moving parts. But he's hesitant, like a good fucking boy. And I'm hearing-" Kendall pauses to smile "That he doesn't want to see either of them."

"Uh-huh, good job Ken."

"What? Can you please just pretend you're interested?"

"Why? Going to ask me to use my connections to bare you a company?"

Kendall rolls his eyes "You look fucking good, You uh, you know that, right?"

"Say it without stuttering, Ken"

He shoots her a look and then says "You know, I'm not letting you ruin my birthday."

"Ruin your birthday? Are you five?"

"Maybe. We did just walk through my mom's-"

She cuts him off "Enough. Fucking enough. No more." And she jolts out of his grip, fucking off into the party of people she either knew, or didn't know at all.

Unfortunately, running into Shiv.

Well, technically the whole Roy gang, and the stylist she wasn't particularly itching to see.

"Marguerite?" Shiv questioned, unsure if it was her "Wo- You look uh, fucking great?" Her eyebrows twisted up, as the woman stepped forwards, a false smile sitting on her face.

"You do too. Nice to see everyone again, wish it were for the actual intended purpose of the party. But I understand, business calls."

"She knows?" Roman whispers "Fuck, she probably told him."

"Yeah, where uh, where is Ken? We just wanted to say hi to the birthday boy." Shiv asks, a smug look across her face, which was always there, even if she was uncomfortable to not.

"He's somewhere in VIP." She shrugs her shoulders

"What? Are you not on lapdog duty tonight?" Roman asks, frowning when Carson nudges him in the arm

"Cute. For people asking for favors, I think you ought to be more polite."

"Can you take us?" Shiv asks "I'm sorry, if we've seemed rude."

"You were rude." Marguerite says "All of you."

"Hormones" Roman whispers in a sing song voice, Shiv shoots him a look.

"You're lucky I'm mad at him right now" She mutters, motioning for them to follow her up the stairs and into the VIP section.

Roman and Shiv exchange a look, before stifling a laugh. As if the pair being mad at one another is the most hilarious thing they've heard all day. Or maybe it was the fact that Marguerite tended to act like the damn world was ending.

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