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They sat in bed, underneath the sheets, Kendall scrolling aimlessly through his phone, one of his hands stroking the top of her head aimlessly.

Marguerite was inches from falling asleep, choosing to rest her eyes instead of looking through Kendall's aimless pipe dream of tweets and instagram.

She'd never gotten that much into social media. She paid other people to run her pages. Well, except for her MySpace back in her days of being a socialite, and a slight whore running around New York City.

"Do you have any blow? I uh—need a fuckin' straightener " Kendall says, lacking any and all senses of emotion, his eyes lingering down on his phone

"What, Ken?" She murmurs, eyes still shut, but shifting to lay more directly on his chest. She was half asleep at this point.

He sits up, rubbing his eyes and then looks down at her, deciding to change his phrasing "Lou, hey. Do you care if uh, Greg comes by?"

"Who's Greg?" Marguerite murmurs, finally opening her eyes and looking up at him

He deadpans "My uh, you know? My cousin? The fuckin' tall guy obsessed with Tom? Greg?"

"Oh. Him" she says rolling her eyes "He thought I was a prostitute."

"Look, he's very sorry for the misunderstanding" Kendall says gently, pressing a kiss to her forehead "And, how'd you like a treat?" He asks grinning

"Mhm. What kind?"

"Oh, you know" he shrugs and then gestures to his nose, wiping it a little

She raises an eyebrow and smirks a little "He does that?"

"Well, no. But uh, he works as a messenger."

"Ken, I had the European kind" she says as she sat up "Not the shit you like."

"Yours is all flowery and shit. Besides, uh, I already send him your address."

She groans "Really?"

"Get dressed Barbie doll, you've got company" he says grinning, patting her leg as she begins to pull herself out of the bed "Well, maybe not yet." He says before pushing her back down onto the bed.

Soon enough, so to not scar Cousin Greg, they'd gotten dressed. Marguerite wouldn't have called it stylish by any means, as she sat in Kendall's button up and her boy-cut underwear and Kendall wore a tee shirt and his boxers.

"Holy shit, this is nice" Greg says as he stumbles in, sort of admiring the high ceilings "Your uh, door man kind of looked like he wanted to kill me?" He asks Kendall

"Does your doorman want to kill Greg?" He asks Marguerite, placing an arm around her gently

"We could always ask him."

"He doesn't want to kill you, man." Kendall corrects

"That's, that is great. What happened to your old place?"

"Got rid of it. Smelled of Rava, and why the fuck wouldn't I want to closer to Lou?"

They hadn't discussed that.

But she didn't really care.

She was only worried about the implications of such, and the possibility of Kendall finding out about the diaries and her slumps. Things seemed to be in a good spot, and as if he had forgotten all of their previous conversations.

"Sounds great, really. I'm uh, happy for you. Of course" and then he turns to Lou "Nice to see you again, um Madam" he bows before sitting down on the adjacent chair

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