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Marguerite Garnier had no interest in attending Logan Roy's big celebration in Scotland.

In fact, had she not been obsessed with and engaged to Kendall Roy, she wouldn't have gone at all. She probably wouldn't have been invited, as without the urging from her lovely Kendall and his/her friend, Stewy, she wouldn't have stepped up to Garnier.

She probably would've started at whatever hack and filler job Vogue had given her and then let herself get fired from that was well. While she wasn't thrilled to have Garnier, in fact she hated it, and hated it even more that people could tell that she did, it made her feel like she was doing something that would have ultimately served her father's interests.

Or saw it as a punishment for not being attentive to him when she was alive.

She wasn't used to riding on private jets in the company of company executives and family members. Nor did she understand the appeal of it. It was loud, people walking around back and forth, talking business, joining calls.

Logan screaming for Karl or Frank. Or for one of his kids. Even her. It was irritating and she couldn't believe it. All of her times flying with her father, they'd never had anyone else with them. If they did, they certainly weren't talking business, or pacing back and forth.

Hell, the last time she had flown with Logan had been after Shiv's wedding after everything with Kendall. Even then it had mainly been silent. They'd been left alone. But now neither of them could catch a break.

Perhaps her irritation came from the fact that she didn't have a family per say.

She had a mother, and a father.

Both of her grandparents had been dead.

Her father's side of the family didn't make more than one child, unless one of them died. Her mother had a sister who lived in Connecticut. They didn't speak. Her mother had always said she was jealous.

Marguerite didn't believe that.

She had necessarily been alone her entire childhood, raised by different adults every few months, until her mother had died and she was sent to boarding school.

Hell, it had practically been her first time seeing children her own age and meeting them.

And she had landed in the company of the Roy family. Specifically Shiv.

So it was safe to say that she never understand social interaction. She didn't get the point of friends, unless they were using her for some sort of gain. It was also why she didn't go out for drinks unless she was asked.

Or why she was fine with not having dates with Kendall these days.

She actually preferred him coming to her hole of a home and smothering her. Or when they broke down together. Fucked. Whatever the hell they did.

"Lou, you like you uh, you fucking swallowed a rock" Kendall finally said to her as they exited the plane, climbing into one of the cars waiting, after he had practically watched television on his iPad for the entirety of the flight. Leaving her to her emails, and whatever else she had "Just uh, chin up. Think happy thoughts? Okay?"

"Happy thoughts?" She questioned "I was just on a plane where I heard your father shout for hours, and talk about assault. I'm feeling invigorated honey, I feel alive."

The sarcasm was evident.

She wrinkles her nose, watching as he seems annoyed with her response "Oh ! Pardonnez-moi, désolé d'avoir tué l'humeur. Shoot me. That was awful."

"Lou, come on. It wasn't that bad."

"I'm buying a plane ticket home. I'm not doing that again." Marguerite mutters, crossing her arms "It's communal. It's hellish."

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