Kendall Roy II

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Marguerite Louis Roy and Kendall Logan Roy welcomed their first child into the world, a small baby boy with thick black hair, a few months after the GoJo and Waystar deal began preparations. The small baby was born without an ounce of trouble, being cut out of his mother. The small child being reluctantly named after his father, becoming Kendall Logan Roy II. Something his mother had ultimately given into after the events of her mother in law's wedding.

He didn't cry that much. He seemed content almost all of the time. Whether in his nursery, or in bed with his parents. The baby didn't cry unless completely separated from his parents. Which wasn't that much. Kendall Roy doted on the child like crazy, and Marguerite Roy, while at first a little anxious, grew more anxious that Kendall wouldn't think she was good enough.

So the child was looked after. Never really being left alone, ever.

Besides, his mother stayed at home. Kendall Roy had been given the reigns for awhile. It made him happy. Which was what Marguerite Roy valued most, scared that her husband would end up like her father, or her mother, and what that would do to her, and ultimately the small baby in her arms.

When they'd brought the baby home from the hospital, there had been plenty of fussing. Kendall Roy playing with the small child on their bed, running back and forth between bedrooms to grab small toys and stuffed animals, trinkets that had been delivered.

Marguerite Roy mainly enjoying the wine that Shiv Roy had delivered to their place. She was glad to be able to openly drink again, even if it made Kendall weary. She was just glad to do it again. No more hiding bottles, none of it. It was great. Beautiful.

She liked walking around the city, baby in the stroller or in its carrier, her headphones in, and security trailing ten feet behind. It felt peaceful, not being disturbed, and having a small thing completely dependent on her to see the world.

Sometimes she liked being a mother.

But most of the time she hated it.

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