Connor's Wedding

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Kendall Roy was not in a good mood when he arrived to Connor Roy's wedding. In fact, he was actually beyond pissed and five steps away from a breakdown. His wife had run off with their son to go play pretend or whatever the hell they were doing in Paris. She had lied to him about why she had gone, and now they were fighting.

At least they loved one another. At least they still had that.

And then, on the other side of things, his own Father was missing the wedding and flying to fucking Sweden, off to see the Swede for more money—a request he had gotten from his children the night before. His father still hadn't met his son.

He'd seen pictures. He'd sent him a birth announcement as a fuck you, and Kerry had called through Marguerite for other photos. But he had never met Kendall Logan Roy II. He would've, had he come to the wedding, and had his wife not gone to France.

In fact, as he wandered around the boat, he couldn't help but phone her lawyer again. A number he had picketed from her office the day prior, which he had found by chance when sifting around her old apartment.

"Hey, uh, this is Kendall Roy again. I'm calling about my wife, Marguerite Roy. Has she contacted you, at all?"

"No, I'm sorry Mr. Roy. I've already told you, your wife has not contacted me and if she had, I could not disclose the contents of our conversation. She pays me. Not you, Sir."

"Okay, well, say I did pay you. Like a shit load of uh—fucking money. What about then?" He runs a hand through his hair


"I know, I'm sorry that was uh—fucking unethical. I'm sorry."

"I was going to ask you for a fee."

"Shit, uh okay. How much—How much are we talking here?"

There's a silence for a moment "For the urgency, I'm thinking about, five hundred thousand?"

"Jesus—Fuck, really?"

"Do you want an answer or not?"

"Fine. Fuck yes. Give me a minute. I'm—I'm at my brother's wedding. But I'll get—I'll have someone send it over. Can you, can you send an account number and information to this number?"

He reads out his number and then hangs up, stalking off in the direction of Roman, pushing his sunglasses up, then running up into him "Kidney chop" he shouts, scaring the fuck out of Roman.

"Good." He says pointing

"Good?" Kendall asks

"Good. That was a good one" he notices that Kendall is alone and wrinkles his nose "No Baby Ken? No Mar-Can-You-Go-Fuck-Me? She sick or something?"

Kendall ignores the question "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, let's go. But uh, seriously, where are they? She's been kinda" he shakes his hand a little "Right? Are uh? Are you good?" He asks his brother unsurely, never feeling quite close or comfortable enough to ask his brother questions about his relationships.

But he had just called his Dad a cunt over voicemail. So, everything was out the window.

"Let's uh, let's get a head start on all the fucky-fucky face people, so..." he then laughs a little "Maybe it's good you don't have Baby Ken, he would've attracted more of them."

Kendall rolls his eyes "Marguerite would've smacked them."

"No Lou?" Roman asks


"You always call her Lou. What uh, what's up with you?"

"She's in France, Rome."

Roman looks around for a minute before moving close to him "Is this a uh, Marcia in Milan shopping situation or, you know, business?"

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