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Marguerite had only been to Eastnor Castle one other time.

It had been when she was around fifteen, on a summer holiday with Shiv.

The castle had made her think of her family estate in some ways, without the walking reminders of her father and mother lurking in every corner.

That didn't mean that it wasn't empty- because the castle felt nothing like a home. Which probably explained why it functioned so well as a wedding venue for Caroline Collingwood's daughter.

But, she wasn't at the castle yet.

She'd taken her time, reluctantly choosing to come with Kendall, who had argued that Shiv would be so busy no one would notice her coming with him.

So now they sat in silence, Kendall filling out paperwork next to her, while Marguerite sifted through her messages, which consisted of emails in French primarily, all about her transition into Garnier.

Something she had drafted—and executives had been thrilled about. Her CFO, Lawrence—Louis's only companion, if you could call him such—had been thrilled.

Anything was in fact better than drummer king.

But—all of a sudden, she felt a hand reach and grab onto her thigh comfortingly, gently squeezing it.

She looked up from her phone and over at Kendall, who's eyes were still lingering on his paperwork.

"Ken?" Marguerite asks

"Yeah?" He looks up, playing with his pen in his other hand "How are things? Good?"

"Nervous. I'm a little nervous."

He nods his head, leaning over and pressing a kiss to to her forehead "Well uh—don't be. Okay? You're gonna be fucking great, and you've got me, and Stewy. If you really think you need him."

Marguerite rolls her eyes "I meant for the wedding."

"Oh, why?" He asks, grinning "That should be the last thing on your mind."

"Well, it's not. I'm worried."

"About Shiv?"

She earnestly nodded his head before continuing "I'm just worried she'll get pissed if she sees us. I mean, here we are , again."

"And you're in your thirties, I'm divorced. We aren't doing anything wrong."

"Don't you think it looks bad?"

"No" he says shrugging "No, I don't."

"You're family. That's why."

The car pulls into a small bar parking lot, and Kendall sighs "Come on. You can ease up in there, maybe a quick fuck sesh in the bathroom, you feel me?"

She raises an eyebrow as she gets out "What?"

"You heard me."

"Didn't think I heard you correctly, that's all."

He then takes his hand in hers and grins "So, this is really going to happen?"

"If all goes well."

Stewy then pulls himself out of his car, stretching "Oh my fucking god. Holy shit."

"Hey there Stewy. Right on time." She comments, watching him wave a hand over to her

"Look at you two, coming in together and all." He smiles and then turns to Kendall "Um—has your sister ever heard of Lake Como? Has she ever heard of Venice, St. Barts, the Maldives?"

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