26.Falling apart

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Hi all, sorry for the holdup but this one has been hard. Nevertheless, I did it so let's get to it.


"Olivia please call me, at least tell me you're safe...I love you." Nick said into the receiver. It had been three days since their fight and he was going out of his mind with worry. He hadn't heard from her, she'd moved out of the hotel with no forwarding address and David either didn't know where she had gone or he was lying. Either way, it did not look good for Nick.

He slammed his cell phone down on the desk walking in the door, alarming his Captain who was walking by and prompting her to stop and ask what's wrong, he quickly but respectfully told her that it was a personal matter and wouldn't happen again. She let it go and he got called back into the homicide he was investigating.


On Monday I was still sick to my stomach; nausea and not feeling well; something told me to take a test so I did - I couldn't believe this, after I finally got my life back, got some form of normal back, I'm pregnant.

I feel like God has played the cruelest of jokes on me, I can't raise a baby by myself, that is absolute. But at the same time Thomas is in no shape to be a father, not to my child or to anyone, look at all he's done to me...

"You need to calm down!" I said as I got up and went to the bar, pouring myself a drink. I had gotten half of it down before I realized that I shouldn't have it and quickly poured it down the drain.

Maybe he could...he can't change Amanda. Don't go back to thinkin like that; but if he can't change then where does that leave me and what about this baby? Do you even wanna have this baby?

It didn't take me long to come to a conclusion at all cuz honestly, I can't have this baby. If it were from anyone else... Now on today, I didn't need time to think about it anymore and I opened my laptop, looking for a doctor. I'd be rid of this baby, Thomas would be none the wiser and I could go about my life and leave him behind.

God, how did I get in this mess?


After two hours of therapy, Olivia was one thing: tired. As she got into the house, she dropped her bag by the door and trailed straight to her bedroom for a hot, massaging shower; letting it hit her pained muscles and work out the kinks. A thought of Nick ran through her mind but she completely shut it down, not wanting to be bothered by such things and she went about her shower.

Twenty minutes later she got out, freshly scrubbed, her damp hair hanging in curls and she made her way to her bed. She sat her phone on her nightstand after seeing nine missed calls today, six of them from Nick and decided that they weren't worth her time (six of them at least),and decided to ignore them, turning the phone screen down.

Running her fingers through her hair, she decided to blow dry it later. She was exhausted right now and needed sleep. Soph and Arie wouldn't be back until four today and with that in mind she dropped the towel and crawled into the large bed beneath the covers. She briefly sighed, she missed him and wished for that purpose that Nick hadn't been such an ass or that she'd been more cautious where David was concerned. A lot of wrong happened over the last week and Nick wasn't totally at fault but deciding that she didn't want to think about it, she pushed it from her mind and quickly fell asleep before she could have another thought.


"I need the file for the Washington case, and call the restaurant and cancel my reservations, I'm gonna be here all day." David told his assistant, Mary.

"Yes sir." She said. "By the way, Tom Murdoch wants to know if you're free for golf next Thursday at ten."

"Uhh...check my schedule, if I'm free, book it. Anything else?"

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