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It was just after 8am when Olivia began to stir at the feel of a gentle caress of her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered heavily and she groaned at the stiffness that emanated from every muscle in her body.

"It's okay" she heard his voice say as he stroked her hair. The sound of his voice immediately soothed her and she slowly opened her eyes to see him smiling at her, but unable to hide the worry in his eyes.

"You're here" her throat hurt and her voice was low and raspy after having been strangled last night but still she smiled faintly, so relieved to see his face.

"Where else would I be?" he said, trying to fight the tears that filled his eyes "I got that call last night and I couldn't breathe; I didn't know...then my mind went back to last summer and I..."

"Shhhh... it's over now" she assured him as she reached out to wipe his tears that had fallen. He leaned in to her touch and kissed her palm sweetly "I'm okay"

"I didn't know if I would lose you; we already came so close after..." he stopped himself, knowing what just hearing that name did to her but unable to forget how sick he was with worry the entire time she was missing. That feeling came back all over again last night when he'd been notified of this latest attack.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily" she promised, eliciting a smile from him as his tears continued to fall "Baby..."

"I should be the one comforting you right now"

"You are comforting me; just waking up and seeing your face makes me feel so much better" she said then shifted uncomfortably

"You okay?" he asked the fear back in his voice

"Just sore. I haven't had to kick ass in a long time; that, and I really need to pee!" she laughed softly

"I'll get the nurse" he grinned as he got up. "Do you need anything else?"

"Just you"

"I'll be right back" he said before pausing, then leaning in to catch her lips and kiss her sweetly. "I love you!" he whispered. He'd been a godsend these last two years since they'd been together and she was thankful to have him, more so because after how badly David had broken her heart, she thought that she would never love again but here they were...

"I love you too!" she smiled before kissing him again.



After spending the morning being pampered by the spa team that Thomas had come out to the house, he then insisted on taking me on a shopping trip - something else that I had no desire for; all I wanted was to go home, to be with my friends and to see Olivia, since Thomas had taken my phone away, I'd had no way to talk to Nick or Fin and had no way of knowing if Liv was alright - the tone in Nick's voice last night didn't sound good. What if they couldn't stop the bleeding? What if she'd bled out? My best friend in the world could be dead and I had no way of knowing one way or the other. But if she were, I'd feel it wouldn't I? I mean, people develop bonds and they know these things; it's like a sixth sense or maybe I was too far away to feel it but she couldn't be gone, this is Olivia, if she'd survived Lewis...

God Please, I began to pray. I know that I don't talk to you as much as I should and I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from right now but lord please, PLEASE don't take Liv away from her girls; they need their momma...and so do I, so I am begging you, please let her be okay. I -

"Angel?"Thomas interrupted "Where did you go just now?" he whispered to me, his hand on the back of my neck as we sat there in the lavish boutique while the salesgirls swarmed us, bringing out garment after luxurious garment, hoping that I would choose to take one with me.

"I was...just saying a prayer for Olivia...Thomas, please, I just need to know if she's alright" I begged, my tone just as hushed. I didn't want to draw attention to our discussion but I could tell that I'd angered Thomas by the way his jaw line suddenly hardened and he applied pressure to his hold on my neck.

"We'll take the green silk" he said to one of the salesgirls "This is exactly the problem; I've cut off your contact but your attention is still divided. Aren't I enough for you Angel?"

"You are; it's just...Olivia is like my family, they all are"

"I thought I was your family"

"You are..."

"Good!" he said before he pulled me to him and greedily claimed my mouth with his. His kiss was hard, consuming and he paid no attention to the moan I gave from the pain in my split, swollen lips, he instead continued to push his tongue past them and I allowed him entry, letting him continue the kiss until he broke for air and I forced a smile.

"I need to use the little girl's room" I said as I pressed my fingers against my lips to slow the throbbing discomfort.

"Go ahead, I have a business call to make anyway." He said. I got up from the lavish settee and made my way out of the showroom


I got to the bathroom and quickly ducked inside, locking the door.

What the hell am I gonna do? He's got my wallet, my passport, identification...my phone. You cannot stay here, Amanda! I told myself as I paced the bathroom. I need to get out of here, but where would I go? I'm in a foreign country so even if I did get away, who would help me? it's not like I have friends here, not like I can just...

"But I can!" I said out loud to myself after an idea hit me. I quickly unlocked the bathroom door and opened it, looking both ways down the hall to make sure that no one was watching me; when I saw that it was clear, I made a dash in the direction opposite the showroom until I found myself facing the door to the stock room. I went inside and made my way through it until I found the door that led outside. After first inspecting it to make sure that I wouldn't trip and alarm, I eased it open and in a slow hurry, made my way outside and through the alley, walking down far enough before turning onto the main street so that I wouldn't be seen by Thomas' driver.

When I finally did emerge onto the main street, I began trying to hail a taxi without drawing attention to myself - a battered blue-eyed blonde would definitely stand out here.


Inside the boutique...

"Where the hell are you Shannon? This is the third call you haven't answered and you know how I feel about being ignored!" Thomas said before ending the call and pocketing his phone before returning to the showroom, wondering where Amanda was.

"Has my companion not returned?"

"No Mr. Kirkland, would you like for me to check on her?" the tallest of the salesgirls asked

"Give her another moment, she'd probably adjusting her makeup" he said as he took a seat and looked at his watch impatiently.


Outside, Amanda had finally gotten a taxi and slipped into the back seat.

"Do you speak English?" she nervously asked the driver

"I do, where can take you?" he asked in his thick Arabic accent, relief washing over Amanda so hard that she began to cry.

"I need help. I don't have money but you can have this" she said as she took the large gold bangle from her wrist and handed it to him "It's solid gold and it's yours, just please"

The driver paused for a moment and looked back at Amanda. He saw the cuts and bruises to her face and the tears in her eyes - this woman was terrified and his heart broke for her.

"No." he refused, giving the bracelet back to her "It's alright, just promise me that you are getting away from whomever hurt you"

Amanda began sobbing and nodded her promise to the man.

"Where would you like to go?" he asked sympathetically.

"The U.S. Embassy" she said shakily.

Over Her Head - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now