19.What she wants

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The following day...

"You know, you don't have to go to the hotel. We are officially no longer coworkers, you can stay at my place" Nick smiled as he wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist from behind and nuzzled her neck. Today was the day she finally got released from the hospital and she was eager to get back to her daughters.

"We'll be married and Living together soon enough. Besides, me at your place means the girls at their dad's and after being away from them for almost a week, I don't wanna spend another night without them."

"Babe, you don't have to explain" he smiled and went in for another kiss

"David will be here any minute with the girls, you're gonna out us before we have a chance to tell them" she grinned then bit her lip. The feel of his on her neck was quickly affecting other areas and she had to stifle a moan as she turned her head to catch his lips with hers and kissed him.

"Then quit kissing me" he grinned

"Easier said than done, Amaro!" she turned her body around to face him as she deepened the kiss.

"Your lips taste good..."

"Because they're tasting you!" she gave him a quick peck. Just then, his phone went off and he took it from his pocket to answer

"Amaro...wait, what? Alright...yeah, on my way!"

"Duty calls?"

"I'm sorry mami" he kissed her sweetly one last time and helped her settle onto the bed "I'll call you the second I'm able"

"You better"

"Te amo!" he said with a kiss

"Me too...get outta here" she smiled.

The door had just closed behind him when a video call came through on her iPad. She quickly connected upon seeing who it was "Hey stranger!"

"Hey yourself! You sound...chipper"

"That's because I get to leave this place today and be with my babies!" she gushed gleefully

"Awww, there's that look I love" he teased

"What look?"

"That look that you always get when you're high on mommy feels...how are my beautiful goddaughters?"

"Amazing as always. We miss you, you know." there was a hint of sadness in her voice

"I miss you guys too. Liv I'm so sorry I couldn't get away to be there with you...hectic doesn't even begin to describe my life right now."

"It's okay, Nick's taking good care of me"

"He's a good guy that Amaro"

"Elliot Stabler, are you giving my fiancé your seal of approval?" she teased, not realizing her slip

"I'm just as shocked as you are - wait, fiancé?" she paused to mentally kick herself "Olivia?" after a sigh and a smile that she couldn't stop from spreading across her face, she looked at him again.

"He um...he proposed...and I said yes!" she was absolutely beaming

"Liv!" Elliot exclaimed. He was completely overjoyed at the news

"I know, can you believe it?"

"You'll be an amazing wife...you're already an incredible mom."


"You are; learn to take a compliment, will ya?" he smiled when she laughed softly. "So...you guys gonna be adding to the brood?"

"Not really planning on it but not planning against it...if it happens, it happens."

Over Her Head - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now