6.Losing herself

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To say that we had a wild night would be an understatement! Thomas sat watching while instructing Alli and me on all the nasty little things he wanted us to do to each other and I did them all, shamelessly! We absolutely ravaged one another for what seemed like and eternity before Thomas joined in and ravaged us both - tonight was the best sex I'd ever had in my life and after Alli had gone sometime around 4am, Thomas and I continued to make love until the sun came up and I had to leave to get back to the city for work. Thomas had business in AC so he stayed behind when I left with Pablo who drove me back to the city

I arrived home with 40 minutes to spare and quickly thanked Pablo before getting out and rushing upstairs to get out of that dress, stash the necklace and the money in my closet until I figured out something better and then grabbed a hot shower and a cup of coffee before I rushed to work in a taxi, arriving with literally less than a minute on the clock.

"I'm here!" I exclaimed as I ran into the squad room.

"Ummm... congratulations?" Liv said, not sure what my rush was about.

"Good morning to you too." I grinned as I took a seat at my desk.

"You're chipper"

'You'd be too if you had a night like mine!" Nick and Fin looked on eagerly, wanting details. "No."

"Okay people" Olivia addressed the squad room. "I'm in meetings all day, Detective Tutuola's in charge" she then dropped her voice to address just Fin, Nick and me "I'll see you guys later"

When she was gone from the squad room, I turned around in my chair to face my desk and get started on my paperwork. After a few seconds, I felt eyes on me and turned my head to see Nick and Fin standing behind me, arms folded across their chests and looking down at me.

"...What?" I asked

'How come you're bein so secretive about this guy you're seein?" Fin asked

"I'm not being secretive, Liv knows all about him."

"Yeah but we don't " Nick said "why is that, huh?" he asked

"Yeah, why is that?" Fin asked "What's his name?"

"Why? So you can run a background check on him?" I asked, not expecting the telling glance and nervous laugh he and Nick exchanged.

"That's not the point" Nick protested

"Yeah, we're the ones asking the questions' Fin added

"Guys, when you need to know, you'll know" I said, just as my phone rang. It was Thomas. "I gotta take this" I said as I got up and headed for the cribs.

"Did you make it home alright?" Thomas asked as I shut the door.

"I did and I thought about you the entire time"

"That's what I like to hear. So, how did you enjoy our night?"

"It was different... amazing, but different."

"You did seem to be enjoying yourself"

"That's because I was enjoying myself, but I prefer it to be just you and me when it comes to sex"

"I see"

"Though I wouldn't mind it once in a while - just so long as it's women, I wouldn't feel comfortable with..."

"Another man joining? Angel, that's something you'll never need to worry about; I'd die before I let another man touch you, you're mine, only mine"

"And your wife?"

"Knows better than to interfere in my private life but let's not talk about her, I called for another reason."


"Your apartment"

"What about it?" I asked

"It's inconvenient"


"You deserve better"

"I'm fine where I am"

"Too late, I've already signed the paperwork to purchase your new place. I'll have the keys sent over, you can move in this weekend" he informed me, in an unaffected tone

"I'm not moving" I said defiantly

"Angel, I told you, now that you're with me you're going to have to get used to the good life - this is more of the good life."

"Thomas, I don't-"

"It sounds like you're doubting me"

"No, I just"

"Angel, trust me to know what's best for you"

"I do but..."

"Then it's settled. I'll have my assistant come by around 6 with your keys and you can have a look at it."

I sighed, knowing how impossible it was to win when Thomas was determined.

"Fine, I'll have a look at it"

"Good girl" I could hear him smiling smugly through the phone

"But if I don't like it-"

"You'll love it" he insisted "Now I have a meeting to get to. I'll call you when I can"

"Okay. I lo-" I started but he had already hung up the phone. I sighed again before returning my phone to my back pocket. As frustrating as it was, I loved the way Thomas was always trying to look out for me. I'd never really had that with a man before and to be honest if felt good.


Since Olivia and I were going out tonight, I asked her to come along with me to have a look at the apartment before we went for drinks. We arrived at the address - right near Union Square and entered a building with a doorman out front who cheerfully escorted us inside and directed us to the elevators. Olivia, and I, along with Thomas' assistant rode up to the 27th floor and entered the apartment at the end of the hall.

I could not believe that I was standing in a place like this. My whole apartment could fit in the living room. there were 2 humongous bedrooms, each with a private bath, a third bathroom in the hall. The kitchen looked like something out of a fancy magazine - all stainless steel high tech appliances with granite countertops, the whole apartment looked like something out of a fancy magazine. High ceilings, huge windows, hardwood floors...

'This place is huge!" Olivia exclaimed. "are you gonna take it?"

"I don't know, do you think I should?"

"You already know how I feel about all of this." Thomas' assistant's phone rang and she stepped away to answer it.


"Amanda, what do you want me to say?" she asked, suddenly gripping her left wrist as if it were hurting.

"I don't know; that somehow, through all of this you support me."

"Honey, I will always support you that" she said and grimaced

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just..." she trailed off as her phone now rang. "I'm sorry, it's the twin's dad" she said before answering "Hey... I'm calm, what's wrong? ...oh my god! No, just... put her on! Aria, baby... yes, I know it hurts sweetie... I know baby, I'm on my way... I love you too, put daddy on. What hospital? We'll talk when I get there." She said and hung up

"Everything okay?" I asked

"No, Aria fell and sprained her wrist; I need to get to the hospital."

"I could come with"

"You have company remember? I'll call you later" she said as she headed for the door. When she was out of sight Thomas' assistant reentered the room.

"Miss Rollins, Mr. Kirkland would like to know if you've made a decision about the apartment" she said to me.

"Is he still on the phone?" I asked, she responded by holding her phone out to me. "Thomas? I love it!" I exclaimed. "I guess I'm moving in!"

And why not? Thomas loves me, I love him and if the man I love wants to do nice things for me, things that will propel our relationship in the right direction, I don't see any reason why I should stop him. This isn't just my new apartment, it's ours!

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