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"Nick, this is the tenth message I've left you, and I know you're angry but baby we need to talk about this... please call me!"

She tossed the phone onto the sofa, burying her face in her hands in another unsuccessful attempt to stop the tears that fell freely. She was sick about what she'd done and had been trying to call Nick for over an hour but he wouldn't pick up and there was a part of her that was glad he didn't because deep down, she didn't feel that she deserved his forgiveness and that he was right to ignore her but the bigger part of her just wanted to make things right and was willing to do anything to make it happen, she couldn't stand that she'd hurt him - he didn't deserve it.

The doorbell rang, and as she made her way to answer she prayed that it would be Nick on the other side but was highly disappointed to see David standing there sporting a nasty bruise across his jaw - the result of the punch that Nick had given him.

"You're like a bad penny!" She sneered bitterly as she walked away from the door and into the living room with David following.

"Liv I..."

"David don't. Please just... don't." She begged as she sank down onto the sofa and dropped her head into her hands.

"Are you... Are you crying?" He took a seat beside her as she looked over at him.

"This is exactly the point! You... I always end up this way because of you!"

"You can't put this all on me, you wanted what happened just as much as I did, Olivia, you could've said no!"

"But I couldn't have and you know this! I don't know what it is but you have this... Hold on me; you have from the day we met and I'm powerless against it!"

"No less than the hold you have on me!" He said as he inched closer to her. "Why cant you see? Queenie, you and me, we're bigger than everything; we were from the very second we ever laid eyes on each other. I knew right then that you were it for me and not a damn thing in my life before you mattered - not even my wife!"

"I don't need this right now!" She got up from where she sat on the sofa and walked away from him and over to the windows.

"You need a reality check! No matter what you do, everything will always come down to us!"

"I love Nick and because of you I may have lost him!"

"You love one man, sweetheart, and it ain't Nick!" He had no doubt in his words as he crossed the room to join her at the windows. "Because if he was truly the one you want there'd have been to room for what happened between us. I know you hate me right now but I also know that you love me..." he said as he turned her around to face him.

"You love me. You never stopped loving me because you can't anymore than I could stop loving you! Nick's a good guy, and I'm sorry that he got hurt in all this but I am not sorry for what almost happened between us. Being with you...for seven years I've dreamt of making love to you again, of being with you again - feeling you in my arms and hearing you whisper my name when you're..."

"Why can't you let me go?" tears were streaming her face but she didn't bother wiping them away.

"Because letting you go would be the death of me. When you were pregnant with our daughters and you told me you hated me and that we were finished, it broke me!"

"And what do you think finding out about your wife did to me? After two years? David I gave you everything and you destroyed me!"

"I never meant to hurt you! I was going to divorce Gina the second she came back from South America!"

"You made me the other woman, David. For two years I loved you, wholeheartedly without fear or reserve; I loved you more than I'd ever loved anyone - I built a future for us in my head. I would sit dreaming of the day I'd become Olivia Haden because in spite of the fact that my mother told me that fairy tales were only stories and that I shouldn't believe in them, I believed in you; in us. you were my Prince Charming but I was nothing more to you than an affair. Do you have any idea what that made me feel like?"

Over Her Head - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now