10.Badass Benson

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By the time Olivia got home that night it was just after nine; Aria and Sophia were already long fast asleep and after chatting with the nanny for a few minutes before she went home for the evening, Olivia locked up before going to look in on her daughters. She opened the door to their room and walked inside, not bothering with the light, kissing their gorgeous little faces and whispering I love you in their ears before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

Not having much of an appetite, she decided on tea to unwind and made her way to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Deciding to grab a quick shower, while it boiled, she turned the flame low and made her way to her bedroom, removing her gun, shield and handcuffs from her hip and setting them down on her dresser before heading to the bathroom.

After showering and pulling on a tank top and leggings, she picked up her gun, quickly removing the clip and emptied the chamber, putting the bullets down on the dresser and was about to put the gun in its lockbox but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the tea kettle and decided that she should get it before the whistling woke the girls.

She took her tea to the bedroom to drink, turning off the light and making herself comfortable in bed while going over case files on her iPad and soon fell asleep, having forgotten to lock up her gun – a mistake that hadn't happened since the girls were born and one that she would kick herself for making except tonight, she would be more than thankful.

Two minutes past midnight and she was sleeping soundly when she felt something heavy on top of her and her eyes immediately shot open, a hand covering her mouth the very second they did.

"Don't move" a man's voice demanded in a low whisper "and if you try to scream I'll slit your throat" he threatened as she suddenly became aware of the cold steel of the blade against her throat.

"Do you understand me?" he asked. She gave a curt nod, her heart racing. "Good" he said before slowly removing his hand.

"What do you want?" she asked, trying not to let her fear take control. The fact that he hadn't bothered to hide his face told her that he wasn't worried about getting caught which meant that he didn't intend for her to be able to identify him which meant...

"You've been a pest and I'm here to exterminate you" he replied in a thick, Irish brogue "But first, I'm gonna give you the fucking of your life!"


"Shhhh" he cut her off with a finger to her lips "Don't worry darlin, you'll enjoy it" he said with a sinister smile on his face as he dragged his finger from her lips, down her neck and chest finally stopping at her breast and circled her nipple through her tank top before crashing his mouth over hers in a hard, greedy kiss the as she struggled against him; inciting him to pull back and slap her angrily across the face, sending her head whipping to one side as a whimper escaped her.

"Try that again and after I slit your throat, I'll fuck your babies when I'm done!" he promised, igniting an even stronger rage in the woman he'd intended to make his victim. There was nothing to stop him from hurting her daughters even if she gave in to his demands and if she was going to die, she would give her last breath protecting them. As he put the knife between his teeth and grabbed her shirt with both hands, tearing it from her body and having almost succeeded, having ripped it almost completely down the middle before she brought her knee up hard between his legs, the knife falling from his mouth when he cried out in agony at the pain now radiating from his genitals as he fell over.

She moved quickly, grabbing the lamp from the night table and smashing the base of it against his skull before getting off of the bed but he was quicker and grabbed her foot; she kicked him hard with the other, desperate to get away and clawing at the sheets for traction. When her hand landed on the handle of the knife she didn't think twice before plunging it into his shoulder and running from the bed the second he left go of her leg.

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