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Olivia's hospital room...

"Yes, the girls are fine, but they miss their Grandpa Don..." Olivia laughed into the phone at something Don said "I will. Give Eileen my best...you too, bye" it always made her happy to talk to her former Captain and she was all smiles as she hung up the phone. She was reaching for her iPad when there was a curt knock at the door.

"Come on in" she called. The door opened and in walked Gina.

"Good morning" she smiled as she entered

"Gina... this is a nice surprise, what brings you by?" Olivia asked as Gina kissed her cheek.

"The Girls made more get well cards before bed last night and made me promise to bring them to you" she opened her purse and handed Olivia the sparkly cards. "I'm a woman of my word"

"You have no idea how this just made my morning" Olivia said, becoming teary eyed ad she looked over the beautiful creations her little girls poured so much love into. "Thank you"

"No worries. Their father is working late tonight so I'll bring them by after school today. How's the leg?"

"Healing really well...I start therapy on Monday; should be back to chasing bad guys in no time" Gina gave a smile in return to Olivia's before taking a seat in the chair beside her bed.

"That's good, glad you're so enthused."

"Gina; are you okay? You don't...seem like yourself"

"I um...I need to talk to you"


"The girls"

"My girls?! What...are they okay?" Olivia nearly jumped out of her skin, panic quickly setting in."

"No...no, Liv, they're fine I promise I just...David..."

"What about him?"

"He uh...after we got the girls to bed last night...he served me with divorce papers"

"Gina..." Liv uttered, genuinely shocked.

"I'm not surprised. If I'm being completely honest, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. I love David, love him with everything inside of me but I'm not a fool; my husband only has room in his heart for one woman and it's not me" Tears were falling down her face and Olivia felt angry at David for ever having put her in this situation from day one.

"I swear to you, I had nothing to do with..."

"Liv it's okay, I don't blame you...I mean I did a long time ago but only because I was hurting so bad over the fact that you were carrying his babies but I've long since gotten past it. He didn't say it, but I know that he's leaving because he wants another chance with you"

"That can't...I'm happy where I am"

"I'm sure you are but let's be honest; the only reason David came back to me was because he hurt you so bad that you wouldn't have him but don't think for a second that he would have chosen our marriage if you would had forgiven him."

"If is a very dangerous word"

"So is denial. And you've been in it for far too long. You love him"

"He's the father of my children, part of me will always..."

"No...pride made you let go, and I get it but I was too busy trying to hold on to him for my own reasons but I won't anymore. He wants to go, I'm letting him go. No anger, no hostility but I just...I need one thing, which is why I'm coming to you because I'm hoping that you can understand."

Over Her Head - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now