3.Too good?

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Paris, the morning after...

Be a cop long enough and you learn to feel your environment. That's exactly what was happening while I slept; I felt as if I was being watched and when I opened my eyes to find Thomas sitting in a chair beside the bed, his gaze intense but downplayed by the smile on his lips, I knew why.

"Good morning, Sunshine" he said as he leaned in to kiss me and the unease I felt immediately began to wane.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked

"I slept beautifully, this bed is like a cloud!" I smiled as I sat up, pulling at the sheet to cover my nakedness.


"After last night, starving!"

"Good, breakfast should be here any minute."

"That means I have time for a shower" I said as I hopped out of bed and headed to the bathroom.


Later as we sat having breakfast out on the huge balcony, in our bathrobes, my mind began to wander as my common sense slowly came back to me; what the hell was I even doing here? I hopped a plane, destination unknown all because he gave the word! Whatever it is, this...thing we have, it's still relatively new and I'm already losing myself in it. Yes, any woman would consider herself lucky to be in a city like this, with a man like Thomas, surrounded by so much finery yet I can't help but feel that I've done something so wrong. The man has a wife! What am I even...


"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, suddenly jarred from my thoughts.

"Where did you go just now?" he asked, sipping his coffee from the elegant porcelain cup in his hand.

"Back to my senses; Thomas us being here like this, it's not right"

"Of course it's right. I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"What we did last night...we shouldn't have let it happen."

"Are you having regrets?" he asked

"Regrets now, reservations before we did it..."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you ask?"

"I just assumed you'd let me in on something like that"

"Oh, I let you in alright..." I said sarcastically

"Amanda, I'm being serious" he chided

"Would it have mattered? Regardless of my reservations, I wanted what happened as much as you did, but it was wrong of us to want it."

"Says who?"

"Says the ring on your finger that tells me you don't belong to me"

"If only you knew how wrong you were" He said as he got up and stood looking down at me

"Tell me anything a million miles away from your wife" before I could go further, he leaned in and his lips were suddenly on mine in a smoldering kiss, one that I readily gave in to as he ran his hand up my thigh; after, he looked me square in the eye

"Don't ever doubt me!" he said, leaving no room for misinterpretation or argument, then took my mouth again; untying my robe as we kissed and letting it fall open. I gave no concern to the fact that I was on a balcony with my nakedness exposed as he kissed his way down my body, giving extra attention to my breasts, sucking and biting my nipples generously before making his way to my mound. He spread my legs wide and kissed me there again and again before I felt his mouth on my clit and I lost all will to protest.


Later we lay in bed together after having made love all morning...

"I wish we could stay here like this forever" I told him as my head lay on his chest, sounding childlike in wanting happily ever after.

"Good" he said then kissed my lips "Because you're mine"

"Am I?" I smiled.

"I mean it Amanda." He said seriously. "Promise me right now that there won't be anyone else; just the thought of another man touching you this way - any way... I wouldn't handle it well"

I looked up at him, surprised by his confession and eagerly, stupidly offered up my own.

"You; god help me, are the only man I want! Body, soul and mind, I want you and I'm yours!"

"I love you" he replied simply

"Don't say that if you don't mean it, my heart can't take it." I begged, he quickly moved and put me on my back, climbing on top of me.

"I thought I made it clear that you are never to doubt me

"Can you blame me?"

"I guess I'll just have to prove myself" he said and pushed himself inside me with one hard thrust, causing me to gasp at the intrusion and moan his name.

"You're mine Amanda, and I'm never letting you get away from me!"

Little did I know that that wonderful weekend in Paris would be the start of a disaster.

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