12.When the masks come off

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"Let me get this straight" Nick said "You're telling me that a cop did this to Liv?" he had been having a hard time controlling his anger over the situation all night and now... "This son of a bitch is lucky she killed him because so help me God...!" he seethed, ready to drive his fist into a wall but just as he swung, Munch caught his arm and stopped him.

"Hey, raging bull, take it easy" John said to Nick as calm as possible as he patted him on the back

"Easy?" Nick yelled in question "He almost killed her!"

"And you breaking your hand can't change it. Come on, walk with me"


"Don't make an old man beg" Munch said as he put his arm around Nick and led him away.

"He always so intense?" David asked Fin about Nick

"You were around during Stabler, you know how partners can be - especially when assholes hurt their partners" Fin said sharply "I got some calls to make, I gotta find out what the hell happened tonight."

"Not much you gonna find out at 3am" David reminded him

"I got a guy..." Fin said and walked off

"Great" David mumbled to himself as he stood alone and turned just in time to see the doctor standing in the doorway from which he'd just emerged.

"Family of Olivia Benson" The doctor called, David couldn't rush over fast enough.

"I'm her husband" he lied again "How is she?"

"Surgery went well and she's in recovery. The cut to her hip was deep, took 20 stitches to close but the good news is it was a clean cut, only superficial damage."

"And her leg?"

"The knife nicked a vein, which was the cause of the heavy bleeding. We managed to get in and repair it along with some damaged muscle but she'll be fine; she'll need therapy for the leg but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be good as new in a couple months."

"Thank god!" David said, breathing a deep sigh of relief "Can I see her?"

"I'll take you up" the doctor said and he and David walked off together.



For the last hour I'd busied myself with getting dressed and packing, making sure that I was ready to fly home while Thomas called to get the jet ready. After I had applied my makeup as best I could to cover my bruises, I left the bedroom suite and travelled the hall to the massive living room and was surprised to see Thomas, still in his robe and enjoying a scotch on out on the deck.

"Baby, um...why aren't you dressed?"

"I thought we'd spend the day inside...until tonight" he said and took a soft sip from his glass.

"Tonight? We have to leave this morning, I need to get back to Olivia"

"Olivia is fine I'm sure." He said dismissively, never having turned around to look at me.

"You don't know that, I don't even know that - god, I should probably call Nick to see if there's any news" I said as I went back to the bedroom for my phone. I couldn't find it and headed back to the living room, wondering if Thomas could help me find it.

"Baby, have you seen my phone? It's not where I left it."

"Nick Amaro..." he said as he sat his drink down and made his way back inside "He's not your partner is he? It's the other one, the black fellow..."

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