Chapter 1

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" If you didn't tell me where are the boys , I'm going to kill her " A man said Holding a blonde girl with wavy hair

"Help me " The girl said with a weak voice, as She raised her head I could see her face but not very clearly

but Then I told him " No , No don't kill her " I shouted

Then I heard Louis Saying " Niall, Niall Wake up !"

as he was shaking my shoulders

I opened my eyes Louis was waking me up

" Wha-What ?!" I shouted , then he started laughing and Said

"you were dreaming , weren't you " He laughed more and more

"What time is it now ? "

" It's about nine in the morning " He said laughing even louder

" Oh my God ! , We need to go to the studio , wake the boys "

" Okay , Mr. Horan " he said as he continued to laugh then went to wake 'em

I went to brush my teeth and wash my face and I kept staring at myself in the mirror remembering every single part of this weird dream or I should call it a nightmare , and I wonder who was that girl , I never saw her in my whole life

then I wore my pair new black jeans and a white t-shirt with a red light-jacket then wore my favorite sneakers from I Nike and went to eat breakfast with the boys

"Morning boys !"

"Morning Niall " Harry said

Then I went to open the the drawer to get my cereal box , but I didn't find any

"Who ate my cereal? " I said but the all laughed

" Niall , you're opening the wrong drawer It's in the one next to that " Zayn said smirking at me


Guys , sorry for interruption , but this story will be when Zayn was in the band .. I know we all miss him :'(


I opened the drawer and I found my cereal I took it and put in the bowl with some milk and ate it

"C'mon guys we don't want to be late " Liam said as we all finished our breakfast and we went to our car , usually Louis drive it

I went inside first to get my guitar and then I just jumped into the car and sat behind Louis' seat then Louis started to drive , I just kept thinking about this nightmare again

If you didn't tell me where are the boys , I'm going to kill her ?

-Help Me

Honestly this nightmare isn't a thing but it seems very scary , why the guys were mentioned in the man's talk , who's the girl ?

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