Chapter 4

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"You have to be careful, She could be mean a little and insane. But, She is kind believe me " Niall said

"But, who is she ? " I asked , but then he looked at me and smiled

"What are you doing ? keep your eyes on the road " I shouted as he kept laughing

"What's wrong with you ? " I yelled

"just keep quiet until we arrive " He said, He was with his mind a moment ago

what happened to him

he parked the car near a house then we walked into another big house , he rang the doorbell and a short lady opened

"Hey Ari, can you do me a favor" Niall said to the lady,

" Oh my God, you're Ariana Grande! " I said with an excited tone

"Big fan, eh ? " Ariana said

"Yes Ariana I'm " I told her

"Please, call me Ari " Ariana said .. I mean Ari

"well , that's was much easier than I thought " Niall whispered " Ari, this is Jade

a friend of mine, please can you keep her this night with you ? " he asked her and she laughed

"Jade , those were the Victorious days " she smirked

"So can you ? " Niall asked her again

"'course any friend of yours is a friend of mine " she said grabbing my hand

"Thank you so much, Ari" Niall said

"Anytime, Goodnight, Niall" Ari said with a dramatic voice

"Goodnight, Ari" He responded with the same Dramatic tune then she shutted the door

I entered Ari's house , it was big

Then Ari sat on the couch turning on the TV

"Umm .. Hello " I said trying to open a conversation

"what's up ?" She said with a wide comfortable smile

" nothing .. I'm just t-tired" I said , then she stood up with the smile and took my

hand and walked with me to her basement

"This is the basement , I know it's not much but, .. It's really not much" Ari said

The basement was bigger than my room in the orphanage, the walls was Pink painted. It was filled with toys and Games, the big was big enough for me and looked comfortable

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