Chapter 24

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Jade POV

" I'm Jade I live here with Ariana" I said, from where did this guy came.

"Oh, you mean Ari, she sold the house and moved to Italy" he explained, how is that even possible

"How?? she was here three days ago" I asked

"I don't know, now leave before I shoot you" he said as he took out a gun from his rope

"Woo, calm down we are leaving" Niall said as he stood infront of me

"You better!" He said as he shooted a gun to the floor we hurried into Niall's car, I tried to run with a help of two crutches. There were many things I wanted to tell him, but timing isn't right I still can't get out that feeling I had this morning.

"This day was absolutely the worst" he said trying to open up a conversation, I didn't have anything to say I felt my tears escaping my eyes as I leaned on the car

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I had a gun in my leg, and stayed in a hospital for a night and Ari is being weird and everyone wants to kill me, I have to use these stupid crutches to walk and now I have no place to stay and you ask if I'm okay?!!!" I exploded at Niall, as tears escaped faster from my eyes. I spelled everything the hidden and the shown.

He quietly stood infront of me, putted his hands on my waist and pulled me closer than ever, my head was placed on his chest. I was so mad but I have to admit it Niall is the best hugger I have ever hugged. I slowly lifted my hands up to his back and closed my eyes, he politely pulled back and eye met together.

"Where am I going to stay then ?" I asked

Harry POV

"Fellas, get dressed, we will go to the bar" Zayn said he said

" what for ? " Anne said

"Look little Anne no one wants to hear anything from a black little girl" Zayn said harshly to her and tears collected in her eyes. Anna hates it when someone calls her black girl, she feels different. Everyone knows this even Zayn.

"I can't believe you said that" she said then she ran away

"Anne!" Jesy shouted as she walked a few steps "what the matter with you today ?" Jesy said and ran to Anne

"What's with you ?" I said

"I just need to go the bar I'm pretty upset" he explained

"Then go by yourself" Louis said

"No, What if something Happened to me ?" He asked and we all smirked at him

"Don't worry, I'll come with you" Jade said and he smirked back

"What will you do? , you don't have men's strength" he said making fun of Jade, which got me mad

"Look Zayn, we all coming with you can you calm down ? " I shouted at him and he stopped talking

"Hey guys" Niall said as he entered with Jade

"Hey Niall, Jade" Louis said, then Jade came in and gave each one of us a frieny hug.

"What are you doing Liam" she said as she sat next to Liam

"It's just my birthday, I'm planning for it" he said giving her a friendly smile

"Let me help you, I like planning for parties" she said offering him help and he nodded

* 7.00PM*

All are dressed except for Jade, they were in a hurry. Me and Liam waited for Jade to give her a ride, I stood next to her room door. She opened the door with unzipped dress

"Did the girls left?" She asked and I nodded she stood giving her back to the mirror trying to zip her dress upbut failed, I wanted to help her. I walked towards her slowly

"May I?" I asked, and our eyes met then she nodded and turned her back to me, I pushed her brown hair aside and slowly zipped her dress up, she turned around as her eyes met mine, I felt myself getting closer to her, closer than ever, I thought it might be our moment

"Are you done yet ?" Liam said ruining the moment

"Yea, yea" Jade said in a panic "I'll just grap my purse" she said grapping her purse and walked shyly to the door

"Are you okay?, mate" he asked and I nodded. I wasn't okay, I don't know what's happening to me. Jade's my bestfriend but, .. God! I don't know what's going, am I falling for her ?

Perrie POV

I was at the Bar with the guys, Zayn is extremely drunk, I'm not eve suprised.

"Perrie" A Familliar sound said, I turned around and it was Lauren; my childhood friends

"Lauren? , Oh My God, it's been ages" I said

"Yea I.." she said but a man voice interrupted her

"Perrie?" He said andI was suprised, it was Mick; another childhood friend

"Mick? , wow you guys changed alot" I smiled

"I'm just going to get some soda, do you guys want some?" Lauren asked and we both shocked our head

"Hey do you wanna dance ?" Mike asked and I nodded we danced on a couple of songs then Suddenly I saw Zayn rushing Mike to the floor which took everyone's attention and the music was turned off

"Zayn, what are you doing?" I yelled at Zayn, he looked at me with a weak glare

"I - I just can't believe we're over" he said

Zayn can't deal with the break up ..
Harry and Jade almost kissed.. wow
Ari left to Italy ? What ?
Catch up with the next chapter
Wow.. 6 chapters left ♡

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