Chapter 19

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Writer POV

It was almost midnight and everyone were sleeping except for these two..
"Niall, I know what's going on. And I don't like how you are forced to be pretending we are dating, and how you were forced to.." she said but Niall wasn't focused and he shushed her and took her hands and went to his car.

They were having a big time full of silence while He was driving. He stopped by a shop and he entered alone and bought things then he continued driving 'til he stopped at the VIP Park and entered the room.

"Niall, I know you don't love me stop forcing yourself" she said which interrupted what he was doing  then he looked to her she tried to hide her tears but she failed and entered a room and started to cry.

Niall didn't open his mouth, he just got drunk from drinking. He just wanted to remove today's problems and shits.

Harry POV

It's been hours and hours Jade didn't even look at me once this day. It's getting on my nerves, why is she hanging out all day with Louis she is my bestfriend. I've done some research and knew who were her exs.

"Max Austin , eh ?. That the one who broke Jade?"  I whispered to myself.. " time to learn your lesson"

Jade POV

I didn't help myself, my tears were falling uncontrollable, I don't know why . Maybe because I just ended my relationship with him.

I felt the door opening, and I whipped my tears away quickly

"Niall?" I said then I turned around if he was walking in a terrifying way towards me

"Niall, what happened ?"  I said walking backwards while he was walking towards me

"I don't love you ?" He questioned me and I walked backwards until I got hit by the wall and I can't go anywhere he got close to me closer than anyone did before

"I'm-I'm not sure" I said as I could feel my heart pumping from this scary situation and When I saw his face I can tell that he was drun

"I can prove you I am" he said giving me a smirk and I looked in his irresistible blue eyes

"Ho-" I said but I was interrupted by his unforgettable kiss, I vibrated and this feeling I had was indescribable

Liam POV

It's morning and we need to be prepared for the girls show I got dressed in a nice blue Shirt and a hat with skinny pair of black jeans. I went from the room about 9 Am. And waked up the boys and the girls.

They lads dressed nicely, I didn't find Niall anywhere, I kept calling but he doesn't answer I was worried about him, but, I don't want my worries get in the way of the girls big night, the girls came out looked stunning.

"You look great girls" I commented but, I my Mouth still hurt from that punch yesterday

"Thank you Liam" Perrie said putting a smile on her face

"Thank you Liam" Zayn mumbled in a noisy funny tune that made Perrie get a little bit

"You guys didn't talk, since yesterday?" Louis asked

"I'm not talking to her, until she admits I'm right" Zayn said crossing his arms and he sounded a little bit childish

"How could you be right, while I'm right" Perrie shouted

"Guys, don't ruin the night" Anne said

"The best part is, Spencer and Jake are coming"  Jesy said while she was looking at Anne

"Let's go then" I said and we all went to the car and Louis drove us to the stadium, Jade was sitting next to Louislaughing and I could see the Mad Harry sitting beside me, or should I call the jelous Harry.

We went  to the stadium it was so big, me and the boys were distracted by some fans while the girls were rehearsing. All was on my mind where are those sweet couple Jade and Niall.

Niall POV

I woke up and my head was hurting me, I tried to get up but I felt Jade's head sticked to my chest and her arms wrapped around me, didn't she said that I don't love her yesterday which is not true?.. I have no clue what happened yesterday.

I slowly and carefully pushed her head to get up but it ended up by waking up her, she slowly opened her eyes and she flushed a smile

"Mornin' ,babe" she said, okay did she called me babe or I'm dreaming ?

"Mornin'" I said and flushed a smile back and stood up got into the wardrobe room and changed my clothes, my head was still hurting me.

I couldn't find except Harry's clothes, so I wore it I hope he doesn't mind. I went outside and picked up the phone, Liam was calling me and I answered


"Finally you picked up, where are you?" He said trying to show his anger

"Chill, I'm at the VIP Park"

"How many times do I have to tell you, to not go there"

"Don't worry, this time is different" I  said as a laugh  escaped from my mouth

"Oh no, what happened?" he said in a laughing voice

"I'll explain later I just need to catch up with the girls show" I said and he nodded and we hanged up.

I sat in the car with Jade right beside me we were talking and laughing the whole time, I guess we're officially a couple I just have to announce it.

We arrived at the girls show we were at the middle of it, they were finishing the song "salute" with their incredible dance, I noticed Liam's mouth it was worse than yesterday then Jesy came up and talked

"Thanks for having us here, this is Good Enough, I hope you like it" she said and the music started to play. Jade brought her camera and started to shoot the song live, but, we noticed the girls were crying on stage

Hey hey hey.. so I guess Jiall is official X.
Will Jarry happen? Will Zerrie come back together ? I don't know yet ..
Why was the girls crying ? oh Btw .. I putted the video if you want to watch them crying live ..
Have you watched Drag Me Down Music video it's awesome !! .. we just need to break the record !!
Okay, keep up with the next chapter !!

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