Chapter 29

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Writer POV

That day, the boys felt like living in a movie, a really mysterious one. They were on their way to catch the plane to New York. Liam thought that Niall was acting all strange this day, he paid another ticket for Jade, It's only for a day. Liam didn't bother alot, he just sat next to Jade and Niall, And then the plane took off.

They didn't take that much to go to New York. They landed at the airport, and went to the hotel they are staying at. They were followed by hundreds of screaming fans. Zayn was ignoring them all, he still can't get over Perrie. Suddenly it started raining and all the fans ran to hide under a shelter, except for one who couldn't find a place. She was brunette and had green eyes, she was holding a little girl with her hand about 6 years old. Zayn caught her eyes, and he polietly took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders and gave her a weak smile then left her.

They ran inside the hotel and everyone went to sleep except for Zayn who checked the girl from his window and then went to sleep. They woke up and headed to their concert and ended it fast, Harry was singing with his burnt arm, with a smile as if nothing happened. They returned backstage before the fans attack them

"Let's go back to California" Niall said forcely as he lifted one of his bags and Jade lifted her head quietly then rolled her eyes down

"California?! " Louis asked " Dude, we planned to stay here for 3 days" Louis continued

"Why do you want to go back anyway?" Zayn asked with a disagreeable face

"Mom called me and said she was sick" Niall lied

"I'll go with you" Harry said, he wanted to meet up with Jade again to ask her the question he always wanted to ask her.

"No, it's okay, I can go by myself" Niall said in shockness, he was afraid that Harry would find out that he will meet up with Ari, because he asked him before to stay away from her.

" No, I'm coming, and you can't do something about it" he said as he lifted a bag.

"Okay guys calm down, put your bags down !"Liam said as Niall and Harry putted down our bags "no one is going anywhere. We'll meet the fans then we'll talk about it " Liam said shouting out of his lungs, as they all nodded.

Zayn POV

We finally finished our meeting with the fans, they were really nice to us and wished fast recovery for Harry. I sat down and uncontrollable smile appeared on my lips, I missed being surrounded by fans. They make me feel loved.

"Hey, Zayn" a girl said when I looked at her, I was suprised. She was the girl who I gave my jacket to yesterday, she was still holding the little girl.

"Hey" I said as I smiled I thought she would ask for an autograpgh or something, so I took out my marker.

"I just came by to return your jacket, thank you by the way" she thanked me and handed me the jacket with a pleasant smile. I took the jacket and my lips drew a smile which fell to the door.

"I'm really thankful, without the Jacket I wouldn't return home safetly. I want to do something in return, please anything, I owe you" she said and she seemed to be so nice, I didn't want anything in return. I wanted to know more about her.

"What's your name?" I asked and she smiled

"I'm Maddie Wilson, and this is my little sister Emily, she's a big fan of yours" she introduced herself and her sister

"What about you?" I asked placing my chin on my fist.

"I'm not that big fan, but I like your music. I mean I had to hear it, Emily plays it all the time. But, you still didn't tell me what do you want in return?" she said bitting her lower lip.

"Meet me tomorrow, at times square?" I sort of asked more than telling her.

"Like a.. date?, I thought you are dating Perrie Edwards" she said.

"Perrie and I broke up a short time ago" I confirmed it

"I'm sorry to hear that, but sure as you wish" she said flushing a smile and went away. She was the most incredible girl I've ever met.

Niall POV

After along time of trying to prevent Harry from going with me, I failed. Right now, we're on our flight going back to California. We finally arrived to the airport, Harry took a cap to the girls mansion without asking where I'm even going.. I found it a bit awkward but, I moved on and took a cap to our house and took my car to the bridge where I planned to meet up with Ari. I tried to make Jade stay alone in the house and she easily nodded.

I finally met up with Ari, as I fast as Possible, I parked the car

"Now, Care to explain ? " I asked

"Me and Meghan are twins, she was so powerful. She wanted fame everything she could have but, she had no talent. So I was like a slave for her, I sang the songs and acted all these TV series and movies. She used my name as an award for me but, I never considered it as award. she keeps me tied up in her closet, when she knew that you're taking care of Jade she wanted revange . Because you know why I guess. We kept the twins thing a secret no one know about it except Frankie our older brother. Yes I dated Harry, but it affected my career, so Meghan pretened she's me and faked an accident break up. But, I never stopped loving Harry, but, I guess I have to move on as he did" she said as her eyes were red and tears were collected at the corner of her eyes.
Woow !!.. thanks for reading!
I have only one chapter left !!
Sorry for the late update .. it's just school ughh!!
1 Chapter left ♡

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