Chapter 20

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Liam POV

We went backstage to catch up with the girls. When we went backstage, Harry was sitting on a couch his hands where placed on his face.

"What were you doing here, mate ? " I said as I patted on his right shoulder

He just moved his head up and was about to speak, but then he turned around to see that the girls were heading off stage and they were around Jade, her face was covered in tears. He stood up and she ran into us, he widely opened his arms to welcome her hug but she hugged Louis instead. He strongly closed his fist and anger was shown all over his face

"don't worry, I'll hug you" I said in a fun sense, then walked forward for a hug but, Harry hugged me tight in anger that I could hardly catch my breath.

"Harry, please let me go " I said and finally Harry let me go, I sat down trying to catch my breath.

"It's okay Jade"  Louis said trying to calm her down, but she burst into tears on his shoulder

"Umm, okay now you wet my shirt.." he said with a calm voice but we couldn't help our laughters, Harry stepped forwards and placed his hands on Jade's shoulder and calmly took her out

"I'm going to my wardrobe" Perrie said with eyes full of tears, when she walked away Zayn pressed his lips together

"I can't believe, you didn't apologise after all this time" Louis said

"I tried to, but she always gets on my nerves man" Zayn said as he slicked his hair back

"Let me talk to her" Jade said drawing a smile on her lips and went forward to Perrie's wardrobe

Harry POV

"What happened?" I said as I tried to move her head but, she refuses to remove it from my shoulder

"Jade, .. Jade!" I said as I finally removed her head, her mascara was falling down all over her red  face, she took a breath and stopped crying. I  couldn't stand seeing her crying like that, as if I felt my heart dropped down

" I c-can't explain " she said as she faced the floor and her hands were shaking

"Is it about the guy who cheated on you, isn't it ?" I guessed, she nodded and whipped her eyes. I felt a bit dizzy

"Harry, are you ok? " I heard a whisper

"Yea, I'm good just need to go inside" I said whike rubbing my hand over my head, she nodded and we stood up to go inside, but after a few steps I couldn't feel my leg and my head was hurting so bad , I tripped and couldn't feel anything. Jade shouting my name was the last thing I heard.

Perrie POV

"No, Jade, I'm not going back to him. He hurted me enough" I said as I wore my other earing

"Anyone would do this if he was truly in love with someone, it's called jealousy" she tried to explain. tears collected at my eyes, but I was faced down so she won't notice

"Jade, can you leave us for a minute ?" Zayn said after he knocked on the door, Jade nodded and left us alone

He walked towards me and looked at me with his irresistible eye look that make his eyes shine, he was so cute but, I tried to look mad as best as I can.  My gaze fell into his hands that suddenly held mine. He was still wearing the engagement ring

"I need to apologize for three things.
Sorry for miss understanding you, sorry for not talking to you for the past two days " he said still holding my hands as I refused to look at him

"And what's the third thing ?" I said as I decided to look at him, he smiled a little and came closer to my face and placed a cold kiss on my check, I didn't control the smile that appeared on my lips.

"Forgive me ?" He asked but I noticed some flashes and a noise from the window I hurried up to see what was that

Jade Th. POV

Harry was still passed out, I didn't know what to do stay with him or leave him to call the guys, I tried to carry him but he was so heavy, I tried to wake him up but it was useless.

"Could this day get any worse" I said to myself then, I saw some reporters and Paparazzi coming towards me. This can't be happening to me.

"What happened to Harry Styles ?" A female reporter said

"I don't know" I said

"What are you doing with Harry Styles? , are you his new girlfriend?" A male reporter said

"What no!" I nearly shouted

"Why aren't you-" a male reporter said but I interrupted him

"Don't you people have a life ?" I shouted

"Harry is passed out and all you care about is getting some stupid information from me!. no one thought about calling the ambulance, or help me to get him inside away from the sun! Where is humanity!" I nearly shoutdd but reporters are really annoying and stupid whatever you tell them they never call off.

I turned arouned and saw Perrie I waved  so hard with my arms until she saw me and hurried to me with the guys.

Me, Liam and Louis carried Harry inside, Zayn And Perrie never came out, while Anne and Jesy and Jade and Niall were getting the Reports attention where Nialk and Jade announced that they are officially a couple.
Hello, thanks for reading and sorry for the late update.. *network problem..*

Well, what is wrong with Harry ?

Will Perrie listen to her heart and Forgive him or she had enough of heartbreaking and decide to never get back with him?

Will the directioners worldwide accept/ship Jiall ?

And the important question..
do you ship Jiall ?

See ya later in the next Chapter ? X

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