Chapter 5

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I woke up at 1 PM, and got freshened up, I wore my new black heels with a white skirt and black cut shirt and putted some mascara and eye liner. And added some make up to hide the black circles around my eyes; I don't know why, but I don't get enough sleep those days. I just got ready for my 2 PM interview.

I walked into the living room. Jade was making breakfast, as she saw me, she gave me a wide smile

"Good Morning Ari, you look fabulous" Jade said as she gave me a smile " I took a shower in your guest bathroom, I hope you don't mind" She said looking guilty

"No not at all, I mean it's for guests" I said giving her a wide comfortable

"I made you a latte, so you can stay focused" She told me handed me the latte

"wow, you cooked breakfast" I said, She cooked some waffles and pancakes and scrambled eggs and others pretty stuff

"Yea, I did, I thought you would wake up hungry" She said as she gave me a wider smile

"That's really sweet, thank you Jade" I said as I hugged her, really no one cared about me since I went on tours "But, I've to go for my 2 Pm interview" I told her

"Well it's 10 AM right now " she said, as she looked on the clock. I panicked, I thought it was 1 PM, anyways it's not that big deal.

"Well guess I'm staying with you for a while" I said giving her a smile, I started to like Jade, I was really lucky that Niall brought her here.

The doorbell rang I went to open it

"Hey, Ari" Liam said standing next to Louis

"Hey Guys, come in" I said they entered

"Hey guys" Jade said, as giving them a smile

"ooh, she got food" Louis said as he ran into the kitchen and started eating

"Hey Jade, how are you ? " Liam said

"I'm great, thanks to Ari" She said with a big smile and the I flushed a smile back

"Well, Okay, I gotta go to see what's wrong with Niall" Liam said

"Is Niall okay ? " I said

"Yea he's fine, just too lazy to get out from bed " Liam answered

"Fine Go, But, don't forget that Pig in the kitchen he almost finished our food" I said as we all laughed

"I heard that! " Louis said as we all laughed again

"bye guys" I said

"Um sure, come - " She said but Liam grabbed her outside

well, Liam never changed

Liam POV

I grabbed her outside as I took out the paper that I found yesterday in the car and started to read it

"Even when you're gone, I feel you close. You'll always be the one I love the most" I said

"That's mine" she said as she took the paper

"That's actually pretty good" Louis said

"Can you help us with the album ?" I said

"I can't" she said

"Why? "Me and Louis said

"These words describes my feelings, I can't write anything for you unless I feel it too " She said, actually she was right

"You can't help us with replacing words. just try it, if you didn't like it just tell us and we'll totally understand" Louis said

"Yea" I said agreeing with Louis

"when we start? " she said

"will we are going to the studio at 1 PM, Be ready, we'll come and get you" I said

"Oh and here " Louis said as he giving her some money

"What is that for?" She asked

"that's the money that your parents left, It was in a letter from the orphanage. A Girl Named Bella West gave it to us " I explained then she started to smile

"Thanks guys, well, I'll see you at 1 PM" She waved and entered at Ari's house

We left Ari's house, and went back to our house. Harry and Zayn were playing on the xbox like if they were 6 years old boys. Niall, was sitting in the kitchen eating as always, but, he looked upset. Niall is always fun, but, since Amy's death he became all depressed, I sat next to him trying not to mention Amy

"Jade is going to write songs with us " I said. Niall was sitting there hitting his fork in the plate with his bloody shot eyes, it looked like there was a pretty interesting conversation up in his head

"Whatever" He said it came like a whisper

Niall POV

the time passed really quickly, me, Harry and Louis went to Ari's house to pick up Jade, while Zayn and Liam went to the studio directly

I knocked on the door and Ari opened

"Hey Ari, Where's Jade? " I asked

"Hey Niall, she's in the basement" Ari said as I went to the basement to pick up Jade, then it turns out that she was asleep

I went to wake her up, but, my gaze fell on her face as if I was looking at her for the first time ever. Her face was so comfortable to look at, she looked so innocent as if she's the sleeping beauty. it was hard to remove my gaze from her face she looked as if she was AMY !

"Niall, are you still there" Harry shouted from above, which got me distracted.

"What are you doing we're late " Harry said then he woke her up

"Jade wake up " he said and shook her shoulders, an I just stood there like the idiot speechless then Harry looked at me "What are you looking at ? , come on help me" Harry shouted and I shook her. after a little while she woke up

"Niall? Harry?, Oh my God I slept, I'll be ready just one second" Jade said then we left her to get dressed then, before we got to the car

"What's wrong with you today ? " Harry said as his shoulder slapped mine and I just took a deep breathe and decided not to think about it and have fun with the boys. I entered the car as we started to laugh, and the stress became decreased

"I'm here sorry, I'm late" Jade said entering the car she sat next to me since Harry was sitting in the passenger seat. I was just sitting trying to avoid falling

my gaze on her again.

"I hope you'll enjoy writing with Niall" Louis said then I looked at him the Are you kidding me look

"Cool" She said as she flushed a smile again. Darn it my gaze fell on her again , but this time her smile made me wanna smile too. Oh my God what's happening to mee !!


Hey sorry for the late update xX but, thanks for reading xX So what do you think? does Niall miss Amy so Much that Jade looked like her in his eyes ?

or does he really likes Jade ? that's so confusing xD <3

but who goes for Nade ( Jade + Niall ) ??

Rate and comment please I'll update as fast as possible xX

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