Chapter 13

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Jade POV

"Hey Mum " Niall said as he hugged his mother

"Oh dear I missed you, what a surprise" she said with her irish accent..
Niall has more of American Accent than his mother, maybe he got used to it because of interviews and stuff

"Hello Mrs.Horan" I said shaking her hand then she rolled her eyes to Niall

"Mum, this is Jade our new song-writer"
Niall said with uncontrollable smile. He was just too happy that his mum returned.

"It's nice meeting you darling" she said
then, We all sat on the couch

Moments of silence came, Niall kept looking at his mother with a smile and she was looking back with a smile

"How's your days Niall ?" She said

"Great, what did you call your Grandson ?" He said. A Grandson? I didn't know that he is going to be a nephew

"Theo, Theo Horan " she said, then the we heard the doorbell ringing. Niall went to open it

"Auntie Maura!" Harry said as he entered with the boys

"Harry!" She said giving Harry and the boys a hug

"Welcome back Auntie " Zayn said

"What a wonder surprise, I'll go make some lemonade " She said and Entered the kitchen. Then all the boys looked at me and my face was turning red from shyness.

"I should probably go help her " I said to break the silence. I went to the Kitchen upstairs.
Mrs.Horan was doing the lemonade.

"Let me help you" I said as I cut a lemon

"Thank you, darling"

"No, Problem"

"No, I really mean it. Thank you, I never saw Niall this happy for 2 years" she said but her words just froze me, I didn't do what to do or say

"I'm really fine, you should go and sit with the boys" she said

"Okay, Mrs.Horan" I said then I turned to face the door

"Please, call me Auntie Maura" she said smiling

"Okay, Auntie Maura" I said then went outside

Niall POV

Jade came back with a question mark on her face then she sat down.

"So, Jade what are you and Niall up to write about tomorrow ? " Zayn said rubbing his back of his head

"We aren't going to write tomorrow " She said

" Jason invited her to his birthday" I added feeling uncomfortable

"Really? What you got for him?" Liam asked placing his hands underneath his face

"I don't what to get him" she said as she took a deep breath

"Oh you know what a guy wants when he invites a girl over " Louis said then he started to make kissing noises.

She picked up a pillow and threw it to Louis face she seemed to be angry, but, Louis took it as a Joke and I felt all stressed out and getting this uncomfortable and anger feeling . I didn't know what's going with me. I went to the balcony to get some fresh air. After a few moments I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and it was Liam.
Then moments of silence came, and something got me to stare and Jade, I just don't know what is happening to me

"Look at her " he said as he pointed at her with a smile

"What's wrong with her?" I said with awkwardness

"Nothing, she's just a little lovely theif" he said smiling

"What did she stole ?" I asked in panic

"Your heart" he said and I quickly rolled my eyes "c'mon don't say you didn't fall for her, have you see yourself lately?. You started skipping rehearsals and You come late if you attend it. You treat her like Amy " he said and rubbed my hair with a big smile

Jade POV

*Next Morning*

"Thank you Niall for the ride " I said as I went out from the car to go to the car

"You're really weird" he said to me with a little giggle

"Why?" I said with a smile

"you are going to a pool party without your swim suit" he said with a laugh

"Doesn't mean it's a pool party that I have to go for a swim " I said and I entered the party it was full of balloons and people in their swim suit at first I felt a little awkward because there was no one I know here except for Jason and Niall. But, Niall was disturbed by some fans in the party taking photos with him.

"Hey Jade" Jason said with a big smile drawn on his face

*half an hour later*

I started getting bored from the party I was just sitting down on a chair listening to my music and Niall was still busy with the fans. By the time I felt the chair was lifted up by some dudes one of them was Jason.

"Let's throw her in the pool" one of them said

"No, Jason put me down" I screamed but I was ended up in the pool all wet, I was really embarrassed and everyone was laughing at me my face turned red I didn't know what to do.

I felt a Jacket was placed on my shoulder and A hand was pushing me forwards out from the pool and I turned to see, Niall was the one pushing me to go out from the pool and people were taking pictures and he was calm. When we go out from the pool Jason came closer to me

"I was joking Jade, I'm sor-" he said but Niall pushed him back

"she had enough, don't you think ?" Niall said interrupting him then we went to the car

Aww! This is so cute :3 thanks for reading please vote!
Now, Niall is actually falling for Jade..
Well Niall's Mom is back, that's a great news, isn't it ?!
Keep in touch for chapter 14.. BYE ! xX.

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