Chapter 12

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"Do you want to hang out ?" I said hoping she'll need some fresh air, but, she stared at me that when I realised what I said

"With the me & boys and the girls " I explained

"Of course, I knew that " she said pressing her lips together

" okay, how about going to the mall and the cinema instead of writing tomorrow " I suggested but she shook her head

"Jason is having his birthday tomorrow" she said and I wonder why she is going. I'm not getting comfortable about Jason. Why do I even care ? Why I'm such worried about her ?

"How about Today ?" She suggested cutting my thoughts

"Sounds great" I said with a uncontrollable smile to end up the conversation

Harry POV

- moments later at the studio -

"Jesy what are you sayin' ? " I said in panic, I didn't believe what she said

"I'm telling you Harry, we can't be together " she said as tears collected in her eyes

"Why not ?, I mean there is nothing that is going to stop us" I said but she took a deep breathe and closed her eyes for a while

"Harry, maybe you saw the Pain in my eyes, but I guess your sight wasn't strong enough to see this " she said lifting her right hand slowly

I took her right in panic and I kept staring at the diamond ring in her finger and I could feel my heart slowly tearing apart, tears almost fall from my eyes but I threw Jesy's hand away

"It's Jake" she said as a tear slipped from her eye

"Why are you crying then, you're completely happy with your life " I said

"I just feel sorry for you, I'm sorry, Harry" she said then she gave me a friendly hug, a hug I wanted to last forever but it was interrupted by Perrie knocking at the door

"Jesy hurry up we're going to miss our flight to L.A. " Perrie shouted

"You could be surrounded by your true love, you just have to pay attention and open your eyes and catch it " she said after she backed of from the hug and whipped her tears away

"It would be better if you worked with your own advice" I said but she gave me a weak smile and tilted her head

"Goodbye , Harry " she said then she opened the door room and left the room grapping her bag.

Writer POV

Harry quickly whipped his tears away and went outside to say his goodbyes to the other girls.

"You're leaving already? You just got here yesterday" zayn said with voice felt with disappointment

"Babe, it's out of our control, The interview here in California got canceled with unknown reasons, and now we've to go to L.A. to shoot our new music video so we thought to come over before we go. I promise one week and we'll be back" perrie said then she gave him a hug

Then they all started hugging each other , and when it came to Jesy and Harry she just gave him a handshake with a smile. And when it came to Jade and Harry, Jade hugged Harry tighter than ever she placed her head on his shoulder, and Harry didn't care who is he hugging he just wanted a friendly hug in this situation, Jesy kept watching them and smiling.

"What's going on ?" Niall said as he came out from the room that he and Jade were in, then Jade and Harry backed off from the hug in panic

"Goodbye Niall" Anne said as she gave Niall a goodbye hug

"You're leaving already ?" Jade said in panic

"We were about to hang out with you tonight" Niall added

"Maybe another time " Jesy said as they all said goodbye to each other and left the studio after they took a souvenir photo

"Hang out, Niall?!" Liam said " we're super busy today" he continued

"But, I promis-" Niall said but he was interrupted

"Actually, Liam we're busy, Niall isn't" Paul said after he walked out from the poof

"There was a mix up with the vocals and we'll stay up all night fixing it up, since Niall has the least solos we wont be needing him today" he explained

"Ughh not again" Louis said in a tired tune

Jade POV

we went to the mall as Niall promised me I actually had a great time and my mind was clearly off Ari thing

"My mom returned this morning" Niall said "I'll go visit her, wanna come ?"

"Yea, I would love to" I said then he flushed a smile that made me smile too like an idiot. I don't know what's happening to me, I feel attracted to him. Did I .. ? I don't know ! I'm speechless.
No, I think I'm just overthinking

"The Minions 3D!!" Niall said in excitement

"What ?! " I said because I wasn't focused

"The movie, I was waiting for it to come into the cinemas" he
pointing to the poster

"Yea, it looks great " I said faking a smile

Hey guys xX. Thanks for reading so Hesy broke up :(
Is Jesy faking her Engagement with Jake ?
Do Niall and Jade have feelings for each other or it's just overthinking ?
Please vote and comment .. your actions became less than ever :/

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