Chapter 10

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Writer POV

-an hour later .. about 9.45 PM-

"As I'm telling you, this isn't a big deal. She just fainted" the doctor said

"So what should we do now ? " Liam said

"Nothing, just go home and she'll wake up tomorrow, but you have to put a warm wet cloth on her forehead" the doctor said as they left him.

They got in the car and arrived the girls
To their house Louis couldn't take the Image of Jesy and Harry looking at each other and how Jade was in Anne arms trying to hold her tears.

then they went home, Niall went to his room and putted Jade on his bed and he putted a wet warm piece of cloth on her four head. He just kept sitting next to her and he couldn't remove his gaze from her face.

Niall POV

Something in her face keeps me comfortable; once my gaze fell on it, I can't remove it. By the time her body started to get warm so, I stood up to sleep on the couch. I wanted to leave but, Jade quickly held my wrist.

"Niall, I'm sorry" she said with her eyes closed

"What ?" I said as I sat on the bed next to her

"I ruined the night, again";she said after she opened her eyes and sat

"Accidents happens " I explained

"It wasn't an accident " she said in a scared tune and I looked at her with a question mark on my face

"When I entered the bathroom, I washed my face then, .. then," she said looking afraid in a scared tune

"Then what ?" I yelled a little

"S-Someone came in, A-and p-put somthing around my mouth, then I h-heard a sound of something exploded" she said as she started to cry I hugged her really tight and started to pat on her back

"I'm scared, I could've been killed " she said in a scared tune and then a tear slipped from my eye. And this was unusual I'm usually drama-free.

-after a big while; 11.00Pm-

I stopped hearing her crying I turned her around to see her face. As I saw that she cried herself to sleep. I was really touched, I hate seeing girls cry themselves to sleep. I carefully swept her away to the bed and went to sleep on the couch in my room.

Zayn POV

I went downstairs at mid-night to drink some water because I was dying from thirst. I found Liam watching TV

"Hey, mate" he said as he turned his head back to me then he focused back

"Why you're awake ? " I said trying to open a topic to get my mind off Being touched

" it's not that late " he said as he looked at his watch

I sat next to Liam and he was just watching the news

"One Direction's Harry Styles is secretly dating Little Mix's Jesy Nelson ?? No guys, it's not an illusion. Today Harry and Jesy were spotted kissing at the back of California's Carnival, then who shows up next ? It's the famous Jade Thirlwall she talked a little to Harry Styles and sat on the bench while Jesy and Harry got away" A female reporter said then Liam took his breathe and slowly exhaled

"Despite Harry going to the famous Ariana Grande's house too late every night. Why is Harry Styles such a womanizer ?" She continued, but Louis quickly came in and turned off the TV

"You knew about this ?" Liam asked me while he faced down and I shook my head while saying no

" What is going on with Harry? what with him and Ari ? And Jade ? And Jesy?" Liam asked Louis then, he looked down and ignored hia question

"Louis? You know something ?" I said in order to answer him

"It's a secret guys I can't " he said

"There's no secrets between us, that were our first rule " I said but then he looked at me in a creepy way

"Waaa , stop right here, don't forget I'm the leader and the oldest " he said in a funny tune but Liam looked at him the 'are you kidding me' look

"Alright, but promise me first that you wont tell Harry that I told you ! "He said

"We promise " me and Liam said then
He took a deep breath

"Harry and Ari was secretly dating" Louis said then me and Liam looked at him with wide eyes

"WHAT?!!" We both shouted

"Please let me finish, yea they dated from 2 years. He didn't want to tell you guys because he waited for the perfect timing to tell you because you all were busy. He told me first then he was about to tell you but, it's just happened and they broke up, when heard about Amy's death as well, he never told me why. And I don't know why he visits her right now "
He continued

" Jesy was his crush since she was in the X Factor that's all I got I don't know what's the deal with Jade" he continued

Jesy POV

That day I felt like a princess on top of the world. Jake cheated on me and I never thought Paparazzi would attack me like this. I went out to the balcony for some fresh air remembering everything happened between me and Harry the kiss the way he talked to me.

my thoughts were interrupted when I heard Anne and Jade voice coming closer to the balcony, I quickly hid behind a corner for no reason at all

"Are you sure ?" Anne said

" y-yes I'm sure I saw them" Jade said in a crying tune. Why she was crying?

"I was going to tell Harry about Jade, then, I saw him kissing Jesy" she said as her crying became to get louder

"I guess I've nothing to do except accepting the reality. He doesn't love me, he loves Jesy" she said and these words came like knives into my heart I love Jade and I hate to see her sad and Crying. Why didn't she tell me that she loved Harry
Hey guys Sorry for the late update, but good things come late right ?
Well, now Jade fainting in the bathroom wasn't an accident ?!!
Who would do that ?!
Harry and Ari used to date O.O what do you think about that ?
Why did they broke up after Amy's death?
Now, that Jesy know that Jade loved Harry, what do you think she will do ?
Will she move on with her life ? Or will ask Harry to break up? Or she will talk to Jade ? ..
If you commented your thoughts maybe I'll update 5he next chapter earlier

Please vote and Comment xX . Thanks for reading xX.

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