Chapter 22

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Jade POV

I woke up and my gaze met a bright ceiling and when I looked down I saw faded colors characterized as  two persons

"Welcome back, Mrs. Rooney" A Lady voice said

"Where am I ?" I asked as my sight began to be more clearer 

"I'm glad you're okay" Niall said as he placed a huge smile on his lips, I smiled back at him and pushed myself back to lift my back up, but, mt knee didn't help me it was hurting me.

"You might wanna lift your feet up, it's extremely hurt by the gun shot" the Lady said, she was a bit old and was brunette and got hazel eyes she was a bit short.

"Gun shot ?!"Niall said

"yea, according to our Analysis, we found a bullet in her knee so we took it out, it's gonna hurt a bit" she said as she smirked at us and went outside, I was shocked from her words I felt very insecured, I wanted to cry from terror. I wanted to tell Niall, but, I didn't want him to know.. I'm a bit confused, I could feel my heart races so hard, something tells me I'm dying very soon.

Niall grabbed a chair and pulled it close to my bed and smiled, and I faked a smile back

"What's the matter ?" He said

"I had a bullet in my leg " I said faking a smile and he sort of faked a laughter

"What's the really matter?" he said placing his palm on his chin

"Nothing.. how long I've been here ? " I said to change the topic

"You've been here since yesterday" he said, then someone knocked on the door and someone unexpected entered
My eyes were open wide from shockness

"How are you doing, Jade?"

Jade Th. POV

I drove the car as fast as possible to reach Harry's car. It was right infront of me I was  chasing it until there was a traffic and cut me of, while Harry got away. I hit the wheel from anger

" he loves you" Anne said which grabbed my attention

"You really think so ?"

"I guess, I mean, he didn't do that with Jesy" she explained, as she gave me a little hope, but I was still hurt by him

The traffic finally opened and I went as fast as I could until I reached to Max house, Harry was already beating him up

"Harry stop, please" I begged as I came closer and Held his arms

"No! he hurted you" Harry yelled

"He didn't I broke up with him 10 months ago" I explained

"Look what he had done to my beautiful face" Max commented looking at a mirror

"I see why" Harry said "then who is..?"
He continued

"You don't want to know"

"No tell me, I swear I'll go and beat him hard, he won't see again" he said which really got on my nerves, I grabbed the mirror from Max and faced it into Harry's face.

"Here!! " I yelled and he looked to the mirror speechless  "beat yourself now!!, do as you said" I yelled harder but he stood there speechless

I left him the mirror, he kept holding it up and staring at himself

I wanted to cry from my reaction, but, I took a heavy breath and left with my tears to the car and Anne joined me.

Harry POV

I stood speechless, for a couple of minutes. How did I broke her ?

'I was really happy and excited to go there and meet my Fella, but, when I went to the Carnival, I saw him kiss-'  I remembered. Now it all make sense

"Jade I-" I spoke as lifting my head up but I shut my mouth when I saw her was gone. I quietly gave Max the mirror and apologised to him, guilt was eating me alive. I spend those days feeling broken about Jesy engagement while, Jade was there for me caring for me, she .. She Loves me

'You could be surrounded by your true love, you just have to pay attention and open your eyes and catch it'

Jesy knew about it? That why she told me that?

I entered the house not letting my eyes to scan the place I entered the bathroom and slowly I felt my head lifitng itself up 'til I faced the mirror, I looked to myself with my bloodyshot eyes.

' Here!! beat yourself now!!, do as you said!'

Her voice kept ringing in my ear, my Anger took all over me and I hit the mirror and it broke to pieces. I left not knowing where my leg is going. I found myself standing in the kitchen. I lifted my head up and scanned the room I found Jade wih her bloodyshot eyes Staring at me then she moved her sight down, I looked down to where she was looking. My hands were covered in blood probably from the punch to the mirror but, I didn't feel any pain
Thanks for reading X
To Be continued X
8 Chapters Left ♡

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