Chapter 18

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Niall POV

I woke up, and I got dressed. I went downstaires and on my way I got hit by Angry Harry, I ignored him. I walked and I found Louis and Jade playin' Cards.

I went for a walk with Liam, that ended up in a restaurant, the restaurant was pretty full.

"C'mon Niall, this place is full" Liam said as he turned around

Then I noticed Jade sitting with someone black headed

"Hey, is that Jade ? " I said and Liam looked where I was pointing

"Yea, let's go there" he said patting on my back

We went the and if there was a black haired girl sitting infront of her

"Hello, girls" I said and Jade gave me a big smile

"Hey guys" she said as

"Do you mind if we joined you?" Liam asked

"I guess not" she said and they took a side Liam sat next to the other girl and I sat next to Jade

"Guys this is Lucy, Lucy this is Niall and Liam" Jade introduced us

"I know who they are" she said a little bit harsh

" okay" I said slowly " so what are you ordering?" I asked trying to change the topic

"Nothing, I mean, the names are pretty weird, what the hell is Rob mega sandwich? .. this place is weird" she said as we giggled a little the way she spoke was a bit funny. I took the menu from Jade and we ordered food.

Louis POV

Me and Jade kept playing cards for a long time, then we watched a movie together. I don't know why, but she really wants to spend time with me, I don't blame her, she seems to be nervous for tomorrow show and wants to stress off. What really confuses me why Harry is refusing to join us and being all mad.

"I'll go get a drink, want some?" she said and I nodded then she went to the kitchen and came with the drinks.

"Aren't you supposed to be rehearsaling for tomorrow show ? " I asked and she sat down

"We rehearsed alot this week, we've decided to take a break the day before the show" she explained.

Then Zayn entered the house pulling Perrie hard and slammed the door hard.

"Shit, I wish I never met you" Perrie yelled

"That guy was attacking you" he said with a loud voice.

"Guys, what happened ?" I asked

"A guy, asked me to show him where is the bathroom, then he accidentally got slipped and We fell to the floor, zayn thought wrong of us and kept punching him hard" Perrie explained with anger in her tune

"Oh I'm sure whenever it's called and accident and on purpose, then why did you lied to the Cop and told him i was drunk?" He said trying to make his voice louder

"Do you wanted to get arreseted or make up an excuse to keep you safe, you never thought what I'm going through because of you" she said with a calm voice " you know what this was a mistake" she said taking off her engagement ring and placed it in Zayn's hand and went inside trying to cover her face

Jade POV

We finished our food at the restaurant, and then we paid the check and we went out when Liam walked out from the door we saw a guy coming. He punched Liam hard and his mouth started to bleed

"Daniel what the hell are you doing" Lucy said trying get him away as Niall held Liam

"I know you were cheating on me with someone" he said then he spitted on the floor and walked to his car.

"I'm so sorry Liam, he is a jerk" she said trying to whip away his blood

Short and boring I know but, what do you think of all those violence and break ups? .. do you think perrie and Zayn is going back together .. what about Daniel? .. I mean who is Daniel ? Poor Liam
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