Chapter 6

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Jade POV

The time flew by very fast, I was wearing a denim Jeans and a white cut shirt with a colorful sneakers since me and Ari went shopping today to get me some stuff since I'm going to stay at Ari. Ari's Hairstylist named Daniel, he was so kind he made my hair into a fishtail. We finally made it to the studio, and Zayn and Liam were there. Niall was acting so strange today, he didn't focus on anything.

at the poof he wasn't focused on the lyrics, The song was called illusion . Liam wrote it for his girlfriend Sophia Smith.

"Okay, Niall last time, please don't mess it up" Paul said, Paul is the owner of the voice controller, he controls and effects the boys voice into better, which make them better vocalists

"Okay" Niall said with disagreeable face, Then the track started to play Then Louis looked at him with guilty face

"One second, Paul" Louis said then he hurried to the studio's kitchen then he returned with an ice cap on his head then sat in his place we looked with a question marked face to him

"What's that for ? " Niall asked

" Nothing I just found it " Louis said. Then he took it off and a powder fell on his face, then Niall exploded laughing. And then the song finally was completed thanks to Louis.

The day at the studio went very fast, then I was just getting ready to write some songs with Niall. I'm actually really nervous, I've never wrote songs to a music group and now I'm writing with the most important Music group on earth. Oh my God I'm started to get more nervous than I am, I'm starting to get afraid

"Are you ready to go ? " Niall said facing down, Then I thought about not writing today perhaps tomorrow, Maybe both me and Niall will be okay

"I don't know, I can't write today " I said, and then sat on the couch

"Why ?, What's wrong?" He said as he sat on the couch then he looked at me but I was faced down

"I'm Scared" I said " I'm scared that I'm going to fail. I mean you're the hugest successful boy-band on earth, And I'm afraid I'm going to fail and you fail with me and I'll be the reason of your failure. I hope you'll understand" I explained hoping he'll understand.

"Don't worry, we wont fail. and if we did, we're going to see our mistake and stand up again " He said then I looked at those blue eyes actually he was so right "Only together we can do it" he said as he putted his hands on mine. I look at his hand in awkwardness, then he removed it quickly

"Sorry, I didn't meant t- " He said but I interrupted him by saying that it was okay. Then I felt his arms around my shoulder I felt awkward but I just faked a smile

"Shall we go? " Niall said and smiled back and I nodded we just walked to the car and Niall's arm is still on my shoulder I was very embarrassed when the guys saw me, but I guess that was so normal for them because there weren't any reactions on the boys' faces they were just normal. Anyway I just ignored it.

Niall asked me to enter the car, then he started to drive I kept wondering why we are not at the studio ? , where are we going ?, Aren't we going to write ?

"Thinking ? " Niall asked interrupting my thoughts

"No" I lied, because if I said yes he might ask for more details

"Don't get me wrong but I need to ask you something "

"What is it ? "

"Do you have a boyfriend or a crush on anyone ?" he said then I wasn't sure what he was up to

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