Chapter 23

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Niall POV

"Nothing.. how long I've been here ?" She said, Nothing ? Oh I know there is something, I never saw her like this before.

"You've been here since yesterday" I said as I remembered the time I spent with her passed out here in the hospital

I heard someone unexpected knocking on the door.

"How are you doing, Jade" Jason Said as he entered with a bouquet of roses

"Jason? How did you know I was here? " Jade said as he eyes were wide open

"I got my ways, I just came here to apologise about the pool" he said as he gave her the bouquet

"It's alright" she said giving him a weak smile

"I really wish you get better soon, but, right now I need to catch up with my dudes" he said and left after I gave him a challenge glare

I turned to her and she was smelling the roses

"Don't get me wrong but, I don't feel comfortable about him" I said

"Me Neither" she said as she placed the roses down

"I just need to go home" she said as she removed the blanket off from her and I helped her to get out.

I walked with her through the Hospital door after I paid the check, and got in the car and started to drive to Ari's house. I cheked my phone and there was no texts no messages no missed calls ! .. Did the guys forgot about me ?

I finally arrived to Ari's house, and dropped Jade and waited for her to get inside, she rand the doorbell and an old man opened the door

"Who are you?" she asked

"who are you?" The man said

Harry POV

I stared at her busy eyes as I watched her rolling a piece of cloth around my hands, wondering why she is curing me while I'm the one who hurted her

"Are you going to keep staring or say something?" She asked as she kept rolling the piece of cloth aroung his hand

"You cured me.. and I.. I hurted you" I said as my eyes rolled down to the
ground "why do you do that ?"

"We are best friends before anything else, and I can't stay mad at you, you breaking my heart, wasn't my mistake nor yours" she explained as she was focusing with surrounding the piece of cloth.

"Then who's mistake was it ?" I said as she finally finished and looked at me right in the eyes

"It was my heart's, it loved you and expected to high, and now it's down. Don't feel sorry for me, things like this happens to everyone and they move on like you did" she said and left me, I heard her footsteps running up stairs

Perrie POV

"No, Zayn I won't, we're over" I said as I he was placing his arms around my waist but, I pushed them away

"Please, Just one more chance, I promise I'll do it better" he begged me as he got down on his knees

"I know deep down you love me, why are you afraid of ?" He said, I wasn't afraid of anything

"I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just tired!.. I'm tired of giving you chances it's time to give myself a chance, .. a chance to give my heart a break" I explained as waters collected in his eyes, he got up and looked to me

"If this going to make you happy then, I guess we are over" he said then he removed his ring and dropped it to the floor.

Sure I was broken, I loved him so much. But, I'm also proud that I finally gave my heart a break. I don't know whether to smile or cry

I picked up the ring and laid myself on the bed, I kept staring at the ring and flashback of our engagement ring flushed into my mind

Wow!! Zerrie is actually over (in the story)

Jade's words were like knives .. but they were true sadly

Who is at Ari's house by the way ?

7 chapters left ♡

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