Chapter 11

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"Since we are at the middle of the summer, tell me what's your plans for the rest of the summer" Mrs.Green said

A Girl with a black hair raised her hand

"Yeah Lucy what you got ? " She said pointing at the girl

"I'd probably sleep and eat while watching T.V. in Bed" Lucy said while everyone laughed

" Life just doesn't happen inside your room in front of technologies, I want you to go out of your room, see the beauty of nature and I need you to draw your best moment ever " she continued

"Jade, Jade !" Jason shouted and I turned around to face him

"Hey Jason what's up ?" I said as he handed me a card

"My birthday is tomorrow, I hope you'll come " He said giving a big smile

" I-I Don't know Jas- " I said thinking about what will happen with the boys today is going to let me go to the party or not

"Come please " He begged me

"It's just the boys, I don't know if I'll finish early" I explained then he pressed his lips together

"well, if you finished early come, you can invite the boys as well. It's a pool party " He said and she nodded
Niall POV

I woke up feeling strange about yesterday, what the hell is wrong with me why I care so much about her, she's just a regular girl. I never felt like this before. I woke the first one which is strange and I noticed Jade wasn't by my side she left a note saying she is going to the Art Academy then going to Ari's house.

I woke up the boys and we were ready to go to the studio as usually I went to get Jade. But this time I was alone, I took my car and went to Ari's house and Jade walked towards the car facing down trying to hide her face and then she entered the car

"Hey" she said with a weak voice I could barely hear it

"What's wrong? " I asked hoping she'll answer

" it's jus- " she said but she paused "just drive" she continued with a weaker voice still trying to hide her face. I didn't force her to talk even though I wanted to.

We arrived at the studio and Jade was doing nothing but sitting down and watching everyone in fear she was hardly catching her breath and she was shaking

While Harry and Zayn was recording their solos in the song that me and Jade wrote. I sat next to Jade; which is far away from the boys. trying to see what's going on with her

"Hey Jade" I said then she looked at me

" hey Niall" she said then she quickly turned her face to the window

"Come with me " I said and gave her a hand to lift her up then I walked with her to a room and we shutted the door she sat near the window and kept staring through it

"You know keeping your feelings inside doesn't help" I explained then she looked at me in panic and tears collected in her eyes and her face turned red, she placed her arms around my neck and putted her head on my shoulder and started to scream and cry

"Niall, please Take me away from Ari, from here, I'm scared. I can live anywhere even back at the orphanage, I don't want to be scared anymore " she shouted as she was crying so hard that my shoulder got wet

"Tell me what happened " I asked her while hugging her

She pushed away from the hug and wipped her tears away and took a a deep breath then she spoke :

"I walked to Ari house to get some rest, I went downstairs to change my clothes so I told her

'I'll go downstairs to change my clothes, I'll catch you later' I said as I went to my room,  she always wanted to see me in this look so I wanted to surprise her

I was quietly sneaking to surprise Ari but I was the one who was surprised .. I found Ari drinking a beer while she was standing in front of an opened closet and talking to something, I couldn't see what she was talking to because of the door.

'Well, well, well, if it isn't Ari' she said putting her hands on top of the door

'You know Ari, I'll stop pretending I'm you whenever I get him. I'm sorry you had to break up with Mr. Styles' she said as she took a sip

'I mean I had to break up with, Mr. Green eyes. And nothing is gonna stop me from getting the Blonde one' she said then she laughed a laugh made me feel not safe.

I felt like Ari was going to look at me that I quickly hid myself quietly downstairs and then I heard Ari's phone ringing and Ari went to answer it.

I felt Afraid than ever. I was crying so hard that I wanted to never come back to Ari's house even though I doesn't know what Ari meant with what she said, and who she was talking too. But, I
knew that you and Harry were mentioned in her talkies. I wanted you to come over and take me to studio and never come back"

She wipped her tears away and I was in a little bit shock, I never was expecting that from Ari besides, I didn't know what that meant either.

Heyaa ^_^ sorry for the late update, but, there is no actions .. short part as you asked vote & comment
More comments = earlier part xX
What did Ari meant by these words and who was she talking to ?
Will Niall take this talkies from Jade about Ari seriously ?
What will happen next ?
P.s. I putted the song that Jade an Niall wrote

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