Chapter 9

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Hey guys, since I didn't know little mix at the beginning of the story so I named the girl Jade. So there will be 2 Jade in the story, I hope you don't mix up xD
In the POV I'll write Jade th. POV to the one who's in little mix
Niall POV

After we finish recording some singles from our previous album 'Midnight Memories'
I took Jade to a restaurant for writing since I haven't eaten all day . We sat on a table by the window facing each other.

"Well, I checked the lyrics you wrote and tried to make some words rhyming together, and all I got is ' some how it feels like nothing has changed, right now my heart is beating the same' " she said looking at the papers

" I can't use 'some how it feels like nothing has changed' while everything has changed" I said as I felt vibrating in my body

"No, that's not what it means. It means that some how your love hasn't changed for Amy" she said then she panicked and apologized

"How did you know Amy ?" I said in amazement since I never told her about Amy

"Louis told me, I'm sorry I didn't meant to-"
She said

"It's okay, I like this kind of meaning, I'll use it " I interrupted her and gave her a smile and she flushed a smile back

"Can I take your order ?" A teenage waitress said

"Want something ?" I asked forward to Jade

"No, I'm not hungry, thanks" she replied

"I'll take two burgers" I said to the waitress then she left

"So, there was one time I wrote 'when I close my eyes all the stars come together and I feel you by my side' for my sister but some words needs to get rhyming together" she said then I looked at the window and there was little kids playing in a small garden. They were all standing in a line and running in circles.

"how about all the stars align ?" I suggested

"That's actually brilliant, how did you get that so fast ?" She asked as the waitress came with the food

"See those kids over there. They're standing in a line and walking in circles, I got align from a line, don't ask me how it just came up" I said then I started to eat

"Creative and smart" she commented as she laughed then she took out a phone

"When did you get that ?" I asked

"Ari gave it to me yesterday since she got a new one " she said as giving me this big smile that I could see her dimples

"Can I see it?" I asked then she handed it to me . I saved my number and took out my phone and saved her number

Harry POV

me and Zayn went to the airport to welcome the girls, there were a lot of screaming fans after them and us .

"Zayn" Perrie said as she ran to Zayn and hugged him

"I missed you Cherry berry" he replied

"Cherry Berry ? " I said in awkwardness

"Oh, please, thank God you didn't see Anne with Spencer " Jesy whispered to me and I laughed a little

"I heard that " Anne said and me and Jesy exploded laughing. Actually when I went to the X Factor to visit this girl group, I liked Jesy. And I had this secret crush on her.

"Enough lover birds, we won't stay at the air port all night " Jade said as she splitted Zayn and Perrie up

"I hope you girls are free tonight, we want to go and party" Zayn said

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