Chapter 21

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Liam POV

We went to our house, and Laid Harry in his bed with a warm piece of cloth on his forehead. It was a pretty horrible day, the one thing that cheered me up was a text from Sophia.

Hey Babe X , Finally, I'm coming to California next week, to attend your birthday party. your gift is a big surprise.
You better leave me a ticket for your first concert :P . Love you byee XX -Soph

Niall POV

I didn't want Jade;my girlfriend. To be bored alone beacuse of usual situation of Harry fainting. I took her again to the VIP Park.

"Why do you always bring me here, I mean why do you like this place so much? There is nothing fun to do here" Jade asked and she was pretty honest and true

"Well, I can't hide this from you anymore" I said, I took her down to the swing and asked her to ride it so she won't be bored

"First, I met Amy was here, her Father was an Important Business man, I was 18 and she was 17. She got up on that swing you are sitting in" I said then she stopped moving in the swing.

"I knew it was a start for a new good friendship, then I used to come back from studio to meet her everyday here. Then, this one day she sat on that swing, I asked her to be my girlfriend" I said as tears collected in my eyes, Jade took off from the swing quickly and stood by me.

"Niall, enough, you don't have to-"

"No you need to know. After 2 years we were at London, we were fighting about me not having to spend with her because of the concerts, but" I said as I could feel tears are almost to fall

"Niall, please stop" she said as she thre herself into my arms

"But, I didn't know that this would be our last time we spent together, she left the house mad that when Greg ran over her" I said as a tear slipped from my right eye, but I whipped it away and hurried and putted a fake smile on .

She pushed herself from the hug, and it seemed to fake a smile too, she walked by the swing and smiled a bit.

"I also have a story with this swing" she said smiling to the ground

"When I was little, my dad used to play with me and my sister on the swing, he used to push us high, before I fear heights. And that's day when Dad was playing with us, Suddenly my mom got a heartattack. The ambulance was on it's way to the hospital, but it was too late, my mom said her goodbyes to my sister and dad" she said with tearfully eyes

"What about you?, didn't she..?" I asked

"She didn't have much time"

"What about your dad?"

"He used to go to bars and get drunk after my Mom passed out, that day he made us to go with him, this day he was driving too fast and.. me and my sister only got away with it, this scar is the only thing Left from the crash, also my sister have it" she explained as she removed her hair from the back of her neck and showed the scar, exhaled out loud, and gravity dragged her down to the swing, but we heard a crack and the swing fell it hitJade directly into her head, as she started to bleed

Writer POV

Harry opened his eyes and looked to his left where he found Mrs.Thirlwall leaning her head on his hand, he found it adorable and smiled a little. He placed his other hand on her hair and played through it, then he removed his other hand and got up. He looked at his hands which Jade slept on and it was a bit sticky and black colored, he looked at Jade's face carefully this time he found her mascara fell while crying. It hurted him so bad knowing she was crying he wanted to get revange for the giys who cheated on her, Which he has no clue it's him.

He wore his shoes quietly so he won't wake her, then left to get to Max

"leaving already?" Anne said interrupting his way to the door


"Where?" She said crossing her arms

"Why?" He putting his hand in his trouser's pockets

"To get you if something happens, like yesterday" Liam said shouting from the kitchen and Anne gave a smirk at Harry

"Fine I'll be at Max Austin's house" he said

"Wait, isn't that Jade's ex ?" Liam asked coming out from the kitchen

"Yeaa, but what will you do at his house?" Anne aske as she uncrossed her arms, Harry walked towards the doors and opened it

"He cheated on Jade in the Carnival didn't he" he said and Anne's face turned serious

"Time for revange, woman" he yelled as he closed the door forcely and took the car

"Oh My God" Anne said in a whisper

"What's wrong? " Liam asked but Anne ignored him and hurried to Jade

"Jade wake up, wake up" she said as she woke her up forcely

"What- what?! " Jade said yelling

"Harry thinks Max is the one who cheated on you and went to hit him" Anne said in a hurry and Jade couldn't believe herself she went out quickly of the room.

"Liam, I'll drive your car" Jade said quickly as she took his keys without his agreement and hurried through the door to catch Harry
So I've decided to end this story in 9 more chapters ..
This is awesome .. many unexpected suprises at the end
What will happen to Jade next?

Will Jade and Anne catch Harry ?

What will be harry's reaction when he know that he was the one hurted Jade?

Stay in touch for chapter 22 X

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