Chapter 17

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Harry POV

I quickly started to read the torn page from Jade's diary.

'This day was a day to remember, I went to California and I was really happy and excited to go there and meet my Fella, but, when I went to the Carnival, I saw him kiss-' I read but suddenly  the paper was snapped by Jade

"hey, I was reading" I said then she looked with a disappointed look 

"you've read enough" She said with a voice full of sadness as she rolled her eyes

"Okay, who's the guy that cheated on you and hurt you ?" I said as I give her a smirk, then she looked at me with a wide eyes

"You don't want to know" she said as she left walking slowly

well that left me speechless, I never expected that response from Jade

Niall POV 

I heard her screaming, She was screaming harder than anytime before. I kept knocking on the door and shouting, until she opened the door

"Niall, there is someone inside, I saw a shadow moving" She said trying to catch her breath

I entered and went slowly and I heard somthing dropping, I turned on the lights.

"Oh here, I dropped it " A voice said, me and jade got a bit scared, but then Ari show up And went to pick a pan on the floor

"Ari, you're .. you're back !" Jade said 

"Ari ?, Yea I'm Ari and I'm back " She said seemed a little bit awkward hiding the pan behind her back.

"O-Okay" Jade said in awkwardness, I never saw Ari like this before

Jade POV

*Minutes later*

Ari, seemed a little bit awkward, if she had lost her memory or somthing, she even panicked when Niall and I showed up as If she doesn't remember us.

I just ignored that and sat down and watched TV with her.

"So, how was your day" she asked as she changed the channel

"I know it's weird but, me and Niall are dating" I got into the point

"Really? How did he ask you out?, did he showed up with a shape hearted pizza ? " she said as she gave a smirke

"He sang me a song, then we kissed" I said imagining the moment again and smiling shyly

"Wait, so he kissed you , or he was forced?"she asked

"Forced?" I got into the point, I mean why he would be forced

"Yea forced, like the kiss cam, or dare, or someone asked to kiss you, or you're a star in a movie or TV Series and stuff" she got into the point, that's so true, things like this exist, but, what if she was right?

"Well, Louis told him to kiss me, so I guess he was forced" I said with a voice filled disappointment, and I thought this was actually a night to remember

"Those are superstars, play with others like they are toys, then leave them. They are so heartless" she commented with a broken voice

"But, you are one" I commented back

"I'm ? .. yeah I'm, but I didn't mention Girls. How do you spell your name ?" She changed the topic, actually right now she is being weirder, but she is also right, I didn't sleep all night because of the conversation I had with Ari

Harry POV

I don't know who cheated on Jade, but whomever this Jerk is, I'm going to punch him hard until he loses his sight.
Jade and I were bestfriend since Highschool, and I can't stand watching Jade getting hurt by some jerk.

Anne POV

"Wait, you're telling me he thinks that someone else broke you and doesn't know that this idiot is him ?" I said making fun of Harry, he is stupid and idiot

"Yeaa" Jade said laying on the bed

"Tell me when did you recognise that you have feelings for him?" I asked to help her

"When I saw him this close to Jesy" she said as she placed the pillow on top of her head

"Well" I said as I sat next to her

"If you knew you had feelings for him when he was this close to Jesy, then maybe he know he have feelings for you, if you were this close to anyone of his bandmate" I made a point and smiled then she lifted the pillow from her head

"Brilliant" she said as she flushed a smile, but step by step the smile began to dissappear

"But with who?" She asked

"You have his close member, the tommo tomlinson" I said, the she flushed a smile back

Okay, thanks for reading X

Do You Think Jarry is going to happen ?

What the hell happened to Ari ?

What will be Harry's reaction when he found out that he broke Jade ?

Will Jade treat Niall like her Boyfriend from now and on ? Or what ?

Keep in touch for chapter 18 .. I know this one was short.

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