Chapter 14

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Jade POV

When we sat in the car, Niall was sitting beside me and he was hitting the wheel from anger. I guess he was mad at me because I forced him to go the party and now he is embarrassed, Iwas feeling so guilty that I cried. He dropped me at Ari house I got freshened up and when I went back, I didn't find the car or Niall

I wanted hardly to apologise but I knew that Sorry doesn't fix anything.

Liam POV

"Are you nuts ?" I said but, Niall just looked through the window watching Jade looking for him

"I was going to.. but, I was afraid" he said with a broken tune

"Afraid of what ?!" I asked in a yell, then, Niall looked at me with his Red eye shot

"I'm afraid that she isn't loving me back, I'm afraid that this will ruin what we have, I won't be able to see her again" he yelled and turned to face me as tears ran down his cheeks, this was my first time I saw Niall crying over a living girl. It seemed like he truly loved her than Amy

"I don't want to be more broken than I am " he said as I could feel torn apart

"Are you going back ?" I asked slowly,then he looked back at the window and saw her returning inside the house.

"she doesn't need me" he said

"I don't think that you are afraid of losing her, you are afraid of something else" I said as I saw his scared face when he looked at her

"Well let me tell you a little story: .. once upon a time there was a boy named Niall and he dreamed about a girl who was in love with but never met her before, then, he wakes up and meet the girl and actually fall in love with her. Isn't that creepy ? " he said actually he is right that sounds really creepy

"Maybe, God is telling you she is the one, so, don't let her go" I said, I didn't have a clue where did I got those words from

Jade POV

It's been 15 mins since Niall left me, he didn't call or text me or anything, I wonder why he left suddenly, I was just sitting, waiting for Ari to return from her concert, then she is going to leave me for 2 months. I got really excited when I haerd the doorbell I was just hoping it was Niall.

"Hey Jade" a black haired girl said to me

"Hey" I replied, I didn't who is she but she looks familiar

"I'm Lucy, from the Art Academy" she said and Then I remembered

"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't recognise you" I apologized "well, come in" I said and she entered looking around

"This is your house ?" She asked

"No, it's Ari's"

"Who's Ari ?"

" Ariana, Ariana Grande" I said then she exploded laughing

"Good one, okay, there is no way this is Ariana Grande's House" she said with laughing

"It is"

"Well, I didn't come here to fight with you about it" she said with a smile

"Then, why are you here ?" I said

"Mrs. Green want us to draw our best moment, and I didn't know how to find the moment yet, so I came here to make one" she said smiling

"I totally forgot about the best moment thing" I said, I was totally focusing on Niall that I forgot about the best moment picture

"Well, we still have time " she said


I lied to Jade by having a concert, she is a nice little girl who believes everything.
I spended alot of time with Frankie my older brother.

"I'm not going to let you do this " he yelled at me

"If you only thought about it " I told him

"No, I won't, I hated to see you turning into that Evil Monster" he yelled at me

" why are you even worried about her" I yelled back

"I'm not I'm worried about you, the last time you got away with it, this time you won't" he yelled back

"I'm not setting Meghan Free" I yelled back

"Please, Ari she didn't do anything"

" she is the reason of my fame"

" you're not my sister and I never wanted you to be" he said in Angry voice which torn me apart

"I can't believe you actually said that.. GoodBye Bro, I mean Frankie"
Sorry for the late update, but do you think Jade and Niall is getting together ? Who is Meghan ? What will be Jade's Best Moment ?
Thanks for reading, please vote

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