Chapter 26

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Jade POV

I met Sophia; Liam's girlfriend. She is so nice and fun. we finished Liam's birthday and went to sleep, I finally got a long time of sleep

I woke up an hour before the concert, all the boys were gone, I'm just with the girls in this big house, I got dressed up for the concert. I wore a pair of black jeans, and a white tank top and kept my hair loose.

I left with the Girls and Sophia to the concert, I got my VIP pass  and ticket, I entered the concert and heard every song they sang, and remembered how me and Niall Wrote them, you can tell I was smiling the whole concert, whenever I look at him on the stage, he smile at me or give me a wink.

The concert ended so fast, we were sitting in the backstage, we were talking with the boys, then fans came in and took photos with them and sign autographs which caught their attention. I felt a bit sleepy so I went to the bathroom with Jade to wash my face, I felt something moving in the bathroom, I looked at Jade.

"Hello?" She shouted, I turned around and I found something was putted on my face covering my mouth and my nose, I forcely tried to turn around to see his or her reflection in the mirror , I saw a covered head and I saw a brown eyes glare in the mirror.. then I couldn't breathe.

Niall POV

I was signing autographs for a girl when I noticed Jade leaving with Jade to the Bathroom.

A couple of hours later, my phone rang.
I picked it up, and an unknown number was showed, I answered it

"Hello there" a girl voice said but, I didn't recognise it "I hope your lover, Jade is doing fine" she said in a sassy way

"Who are you?" I asked as my heart fell to hell

"Don't worry, Miss Rooney and Thirlwall are Fine, as long as Harry keeps the record in it's place" she said and I didn't know what she meant by record

"What do you want?" I asked her as I felt my eyes burning up

"You and the boys have to Meet me alone 9.00 PM Tomorrow at Bennie's, with the record ofcourse. And don't try to mess around, and If you did, I'll empty my gun in her head" she threatened me and hunged up. I couldn't believe what she was saying, I could hardly catch my breath as I was scared for the others to hear my loud heartbeats.

"We can't Find Jade, Harry!" Jesy Yelled at Harry as she held Harry's collar and Harry fell to his knees. She was crying a bit.

Jade POV

I finally woke up, I was in a dark place sitting in a small cage with a tape on my mouth and my hands tied back, I scanned the room, I found Jade was putted there as same as me, and what suprised me was Ari, she was placed too in the cage with a tape on her mouth and her hands tied back.

It was actually weird, why would Ari be tied up like me and Jade, why are we even tied up ?

"Well well well, what we have here ?" A girl said as she showed up a little, when I could finally see her, she looked alot like Ari, it's like they could be TWINS !

"You know Ari, this time you're not stopping me. I finally got you, sister" she said as she sat down and placed a cigarette in her mouth

"Hello Jade, Other Jade!, I'm Meghan by the way, Ari's twin" she said as she lit the cigarette

"I guess it'll be a long day"she said as she gave us the brown glare that I saw in the mirror. Then, I heard footsteps, and a familliar voice

" so you got them?" Jason said, as he showed up with a basket full of food and water and placed them in the cage

"Oh hello, I didn't recognise you" Jason said to me giving me a smirk, I always knew there was something about him. He left  after he placed the food and the water

She kept talking alot, but never knew what she really wanted. She felt asleep while she was sitting in her chair

Harry POV

Jade is what ?!! , I can't believe it!!.
After I heard Jesy Yelling at me with this news I could hardly take my breath and fell to my knees.

Niall told us about everything, but at Bennie's? this place isn't good, I wonder how could a girl go there ?. And the record, I didn't know what is this girl up to

"Boys, I'm not sure about this, it could be dangerous!" Zayn said and Perrie rolled her eyes

"I don't care what you guys think!, Jade is the only person I adore in this world, no one could take her away from me" Niall shoued, as tears collected in his eyes, I think this might be a little stupid but, I feel this way about Jade too, since then, I knew I loved her

"Niall, I'm coming with you" I said as I could feel The guys taking their hard breaths out

"Fine! I'll come with you too, I can't believe we're canceling L.A. Concert for this" Zayn said
Ari has a Twin ? Meghan ? So.. Meghan Grande ? I wonder what she really wants
I wonder How Harry's Jade feeling?
Aww .. Harry finally knew he loves Jade ..
Thanks guys for reading.. please Vote
4 chapters left ♡

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