Chapter 8

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Jade POV

I woke up at 9.30 Am with new hopes in my heart a new skills to upgrade and new friendships to make. I putted on a black shorts and a 3 layers white t-shirts and a white ballerina and kept my hair loose.

I went upstairs, I found Ari sleeping on the couch and the T.V. was on but it's was on mute, all I got was Harry was leaving Ari's house. That's was weird because, I didn't see Harry here yesterday. I just ignored it and Wrote a note to Ari that I left and left the house and took a cap to the Art Academy.

"Welcome, how can I assist you ?" an old woman about 40 asked me, she was sitting in front of a laptop

"Hey, I would like to take art lessons" I told her

"only courses miss " She said and I was what is the difference they're both art

"Okay, is there any available place ?" I asked

" Let me check" she said as she checked the laptop "you're lucky there's one place left"

"Great, I would like to register" I said

"There's no time the course just started go and attend it then register when you finish" she said, I nodded and walked in a hurry to the class

the class was small and every two had to work together I was told to sit next my art partner

"Hey, I'm Jade" I said smiling as I forward my hand for a shake then he looked at me

"Jason " he replied and shook my hand

"New here ?" He asked

"Yea and you ?" I replied


"Welcome to the Art Academy" a woman said as she entered the room her appearance was familiar

Niall POV

"Niall wake up, you lazy cheeky boy" Louis said as he shook my shoulder

"What?!" I said in laziness

"The rehearsal, you idiot" he said

"What about the rehear- oh my God the Rehearsal !!" I said in panic as I was about to enter the bathroom

" what are you doing ? " he said in a hurry

"I'll go wash my face " I said.. then quickly he threw water from a bottle in my face

"I hate it when you do that " I said in anger tune

"We're too late there's no time for eating either .. get dressed" he said throwing my clothes at me "you might wanna hurry, me, Liam and Zayn are leaving now, you, Harry and Jade catch us later " he said in a hurry as he grabbed a jacket and closed the door. I wore a blue t-shirt and black jeans and my white sneakers and hurried downstairs where I found Harry sleeping on the couch. we work insanely those days, they want us to release the next album as fast as possible.

"Harry, wake up ! " I said but, he did't spoke a word. I pushed the couch to the floor.

"Fine, I'm up" he said in laziness then, he pushed the couch up and said " Let's get Jade"

We walked to Ari house and knocked on the door and she let us in

"we just came to pick up Jade" I got to the point

"well, she's not here" She said looking sharp at Harry and Harry giving her the battle look back. he was standing in front of the door

"Where is She ? " Harry said in a compete tune

"At the Art Academy " She said crossing her arms together in the same compete tune. Personally, I felt something wrong is going on, this is unusual

"Let's go, Niall" he said as we left he slammed the door strong, then, we went to our house to get the car, and he started to drive the car

"What's going on, Hazz ? " I asked in a quiet "between you and Ari ?" I continued

"You really don't need to know " he said in quiet angry tune, so I just kept quiet because I know Harry when he gets angry, he loses his control over himself

we finally made it to the Art academy I saw Jade is leaving the Center with a very tall guy that could be taller than me, I just walked to Jade I saw her smiling, she was so beautiful than ever. Obviously, I never watched her smile before, because I was busy holding the hands of my past. I just walk forward.

"Hey, Jade" I said

"Niall, Hey" She replied in excitement then, she hugged me then she said "What a surprise"

"Wait, are you Niall Horan ? " The guy said And I nodded " last year, the girls at my school were crazy about you, dude" He continued

"Niall, that's Jason, My Art Partner"

"nice meeting you, Jason" I said as I shook his hand " Jade, we need you at the studio "

"Wow, the studio, Jade you didn't tell me" Jason said

"Yea, I work there with the boys. well it's more like a help than a job" Jade said

"Are you coming ? " I said

"Yea, Bye Jason" Jade said

"bye" Jason said I place my arms around her shoulders then we walked away to the car, I tried to smile as much as I can, to work with Zayn's advice about moving on

"Hey Harry" Jade said

"Jade, How ya doin' ? " he said with a chill tune

"Great" she replied then she sat on the backseat

I was just sitting next to Harry, wondering how is it gonna take to move on. We arrived to the studio fast as we enter we heard crashing and some one playing drums . It was Zayn he was jumping and dancing in excitement and screaming in Joy.

"She is coming, yeaa She is coming" Zayn screamed in excitement and then he done a triple back flip

"What? " Jade said in a quiet confusing tune

"Perrie is coming with the girls for a tour here in the USA " Louis explained

"Niall, is she coming ?" Zayn said in funny tune .. it's kinda of a joke we make

"She is coming" I said in a funnier tune
Then we screamed and rolled down on the floor together, Jade kept laughing

" sorry for that, they are idiots" Harry said

"And a terrible, terrible clowns " Louis completed and Jade just kept laughing at us

" we are going to party! " Zayn said

"Great after rehearsal then " Liam replied

"Jade, come party with us " I said

"Okay" she nodded
Hey guys short and boring chapter right ??
Sounds like we have new characters here
Jason played by Ryan Mccartan .. the teacher looks familiar ?? .. that's cool
Perrie and the girls are coming what happens next ? Excitement happens in the next Chapter I hope .. thanks for reading xX. I'll update as fast as I can hopefully before next Monday .. Rate and Comment and Bye xX.

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