Chapter 28

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Niall POV

"In 2012, Ari and I were secretly dating" he said and lifted my head up in panic

"Remember her ex boyfriend? Collins? , after you accidentally lit a fire in his party, and he died, Ari lost her mind.
She kept getting drunk and stuff, all her thoughts was the Niall Horan, killed my lover, it's time for revange" he said as tears of fear collected in my eyes

"She played with Greg's Car'brakes, which killed Amy" the tears escaped my eyes, as I felt guilty for all these years I hated Greg or treated him badly

" this is why I told you that you didn't want to know when you asked me what's going on with me and Ari "he explained

"Why you didn't tell me this before?" I asked him, as I whiiped the tears in my eyes

"I don't know, I just didn't "he said, and I stood up and thanked him and left trying to hide my tears from everyone but I guess I failed infront of Jade, because she hugged me, unless she's the one who's wanting the hug

Jade Th. POV

The last thing I remembered was me and Jade was talking and I heard something exploded and a force pushed us away the place caught on fire. I fear fire, I felt a bit shocked and couldn't feel anything. Now I'm laying on a bed in a hospital, I had to know who got me out I wanted to thank him.

"you can go now" the nurse said and I thanked her I left the bed

"You're lucky, your boyfriend saved you" she said, and I stopped.

"Who do you mean?" I asked her

"Oh you know, Harry" she said, and I stood there shocked, my mouth spoke thank you and left the room, The guys stood up when they saw me

"Where is Harry?" I asked them loudly, while tears ran down my face, Louis quietly pointed into a room, I quickly ran into the room and opened the door.

Harry was sitting on the bed, his arm was red. I closed the door and he turned his head to face me, I came closer to him and grabbed a chair and Sat next to him.

"I-" I tried to open a conversation, but I didn't know what to say, tears just kept running down my face

"You Know, I hurted three things and everything has it own reason" he said as he flushed a wide smile

"What are those things?" I said as I placed a simple smile on my lips

"First, I hurted you, because I was a fool.
Then, I hurted my Fist, because I was broken and Angry. Then, I burnt my arms" he said then a calm
laughter escaped his mouth

"What it's reasons?" I said hoping something cute

"Are you kidding me? , I just saved you from fire " He said, I hit him hard with a pillow as a Joke, but he rolled down and fell, I hurried and climbed the bed and Looked at him. He was smiling on the floor.

"Don't you ever Joke around ?" He said as he lifted his left arm up to pull him up, but instead he pushed me down. I punched him weakly on his chest

"Do you want to know the real reason?"
He said and I nodded while he was smiling, I was watching his green sparkling eyes.

"I did it because I was in love.. with you" he said as he smiled at me, I didn't believe he just said that, I was smiling uncontrollably and I buried my face into his chest, tears of Joy was running down my face

Writer POV

They went to the court, Meghan took 6 years in prison Judgment. They guys went out from the court, Niall saw Ari away, he wanted to know more details. He walked towards her.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Meghan" He Apologized, but Ari shook her head.

"Don't be, she deserved it" She said.
"Mom and Dad wouldn't be proud ofher if they were alive" she continued.

"I hope I don't bother you, but I really want to know what happened" he asked and she smiled quietly.

"I can't tell you here, meet me down the bridge tonight right after you return from your New York Concert" she said

"You have to go now, your going to be late for your flight" she said and he nodded. He wasn't sure whether to Leave Jade, or take her with him. He didn't know if there was another trick or something. He decided to take Jade with him to New York.
Yas, Finally Meghan in prison !!
I wonder what Ari has to say to Niall after the concert..
Woww 2 Chapters left ♡ !!!

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