Chapter 7

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Niall POV 

"How was your song writing with Jade? " Zayn asked as we enter the house and Harry wasn't home it's about 9.40 PM

"great, I think" I said as I went upstairs to my room, I laid myself on the bed facing down on my pillow as I heard a knock on the door.

"Niall are you okay ? " Zayn said

"yea" I said still facing down on the pillow, then I could feel his hand on my back and I faced him

"you know" he said as he sat down on the bed " I used to date this girl Debbie "

"The one you had to stand on a brick to kiss her ?" I mentioned and smiled weakly

"Yea, she was so tall" he said , then he smiled looking down at his hand "and so beautiful " he continued, then he muted

"so what's with Debbie ? " I reminded him, then he looked at me and smiled

"You know why I didn't tell you about her , and how we broke up ? " He said  but I shook my head 

"Because I knew if I tell you guys, you'll keep  reminding me of her which I didn't want " He said and I actually totally agree with him if someone keep reminding you of someone you truly loved, you'll never move on 

"So what happened ?" I said 

"She was going surfing and I was sitting watching her since I can't swim. Suddenly, a big wave crashed her, I don't know if she's alive or she didn't make it" he said as he was smiling weakly and a tear slipped from his eyes but he whipped it away. It looked like he's pretending to be okay

 "I'm sorry " I said as I hugged him 

"it's okay it happened from years, I moved on, I got Perrie. I believe that God take away the things that weren't meant for us " he said with a smile. I felt like he really moved on you can tell that from his smile. But, I still don't know how did he move on , I mean it's hard

"how did you moved on ? " I asked hoping that I'll move on too if I knew

"I stopped hearing her name, I stopped thinking about her, I went on dates, stuff like that. But, the most important part is .. I wrote her a song Then, I felt much comfortable " he said

" I don't think if I can do this" I said 

"Write a song ? " he laughed 

"Stop thinking about her, I mean Jade .. She looks like her" I said but he putted his hand on my shoulder  

"One way or another you've to deal with it, go out to Nandos or the funfair, have some fun. And if you're strong enough go those places with Jade, not like a date of course " He said, actually he is right

"You write songs ?! " I said changing the topic while laughing weakly

"Yeah it was moments " He said scratching his back of his neck

"Wow, I thought Liam wrote it, because he just keeps getting emotional whenever he sings it" I said laughing weakly 

"Well, I wrote some of the words and gave it to Ed making him promise he'll never speaks of it "He said laughing. Ed is Ed Sheeran he used to write us songs before he ran his own career

"Why are you telling me this ? " I asked

"Because, I hate it when I see someone is suffering from a situation, and I have the key to cheer him up " he said with a smile

"Thanks bro , Goodnight " 

" Goodnight "

 I just felt much comfortable after talking to Zayn

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