Chapter 3

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Louis POV


"Who is Jade ?" I asked forcefully

"Easy guys, She's an Orphan ! " Liam said

"An Orphan ? " Zayn asked

"You know when a kid lose their parents and - " Harry said joking

" I know that ! " Zayn said interrupting him as he gave Harry a joking Shoulder punch

"What she's doing here " I asked

" She's a very sweet girl , we met her ... " Liam explained everything

we heard a song was playing that was incredibly amazing

we followed the voice and we went to the recording studio and Jade was going out from the poof .. then my mouth fell to the ground. I just entered and she was talking with Niall. It felt like something wasn't right, I never saw Niall afraid from a girl before, he was standing in a complete silence , that's not Niall tha-

"That was you ?!" Zayn asked Jade cutting my thoughts

She stood in panic

" y-yea  " she said with guilty face

"Why you're looking so guilty , you didn't do anything wrong, besides your voice is wonderful " I told her with kindness and then she flushed a weak smile, and Niall was sitting far from us holding his guitar. it looked like he was thinking, since his gaze is on the ceiling

"So how old are you ? " Harry asked Jade with a wide smile

"I'm turning 19 on 15/7, Next month I mean " She said as her smile began to become bigger

"You look younger , I thought you were 16 " Zayn said laughing

"well you should rehearse , I'm just wasting your time" She said as she started to walk away

" You could stay , and listen to us " Liam suggested

"well I've nowhere to go , so I guess I'll stay " She said

We entered the poof and started to write the first song from the new album "Four "

And Jade by the time was listening to our lyrics while we're trying them out with a big smile, Until we finished .

We rode the car and went home while Niall went with Jade to his mother.

Niall POV

I just kept thinking what if this nightmare was just a prediction for what happened, but then I calmed myself down remembering that overthinking might kill me

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