Chapter 27

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Jade Th. POV

Meghan untied our hands and removed the tape of our mouth to eat, but, me and Jade didn't eat anything we weren't hungry, Ari was sitting quiet she didn't speak a word since we got here.

We stayed a whole day without eating or drinking or sleeping. I didn't know what was with us.

"Jade?" I heard Niall's voice, which caught our attention

"surround the brunette one" Meghan told the boy, the boys surronded me very tight "scream once and I'll empty this in their head .. got it ? " she said lifting the gun up and left, she returned with Niall and Harry, when I saw Harry's eyes I felt a bit uncomfortable they were red as hell.
When they looked at Meghan they opened their eyes in shockness

"Here's the record give us the girls" Harry said as he threw his phone to Meghan, Niall, looked up and he saw the boy

"Jason?!!" he said getting really mad and shocked as I saw the boy giving him a smirk

"Free the brunette one" Meghan said as she was holding Jade too tight. The boy freed me or I should say Jason freed me, I rand to Harry and tears of fear was escaping my eyes. He was hugging me tighter than ever and I could feel his tears dropping on my hair

"What is this? Where is the record?!" she screamed as she threw the phone to the floor, and I backed from the hug. She held the gun close to Jade's head, I saw Harry's head tilting to Niall's.

"When We get out I want you to hide in the bathroom, questions later" he whispered to me and I didn't say a word, all I know is I trust Harry and I know what he is doing.

"It's with the boys" Harry said in a hurry and ran outside he Left my hands while we're running and I headed to the bathroom, Meghan was running after him with a gun. I was worried as hell.

Niall POV

"Stay with Jade!" Ari said, as she ran after Harry. I can't believe Ari, she did this? With Jason ?

Jason lifted Jade up and held the gun closer to her head. This look I've seen it before !

"If you didn't tell me where are the boys, I'm going to kill her!" Jason said, this is exactly what I've seen and heard in my nightmare

"Help me" Jade said lifting her head up with her eyes full of tears, as I remembered in my nightmare, I know my next line. He looked angrier and started the gun which got me panicked

"No, don't kill her!" I said in panic, I didn't know what happened next all I remembered is Louis waking me up.

I heard something hitting him in the head, I saw Ari hitting Jason on his head with a pan. Why is she hitting him isn't she working with him ?! , I really got confused.

"I'll explain later, but we have to go now" Ari said as we ran outside

"Jade hide yourslef in the bathroom, it's safer there" Ari said as she ran away with me. I went outside and I found another Ari lying on the floor surrounded by Cops.. what is going on?! I'm clueless!

"Meghan Grande!, you're under arrest!" The Cop said putting handcuffs around her hands

" for doing what ? , you've got nothing on me!" She shouted, Meghan Grande? , are they twins ?

"Oh yes, we do! they boys helped us, we putted a microphone on their clothes and your words are redorded" the cops said

"I'll kill Jade!" She said yelling going out of control

"She is somewhere you won't find" I said smiling proudly

"Oh really, is she in the bathroom?" She said laughing an insecure laugh, we looked up and we saw smoke me and Harry ran near the bathroom and it was on fire. I saw My Jade got out from there by luck.

"Jade .. Fainted.." she said trying to catch her breath, we all know that Jade have a phobia of Fire.

Harry uncontrollably was out of his mind, he jumped into the fire he got her out and his arm was on fire, his arms sort of burnt

Me and Jade and Harry ran outside, Harry was running holding Jade on hia arms even on the burnt one , the place caught on fire and burnt itself, we were standing with the cops. And then I remembered that Jason was in there, now he is dead.

"Okay, we're going to give you sir a free ride to the hospital, and we'll lock Meghan and we'll meet you at the court whenever you get out" a Cop said and we thanked him.

We went to the hospital
Thankfully, Jade woke up and Harry is okay, I entered the room Harry was in it.
I needed some explanation.

"Harry are you okay ? " I said calmly and he nodded

"Then what the hell is going on?!" I fired at him he rolled his eyes

"Niall, I know you're going to hate me that I kept it a secret from you a long time ago, but, I think you should really know. Whatever I tell you promise me you won't Tell Jade" he said

"Which one? "

"Both, especially my long life friend" he said "promise me" he repeated

"I promise you" I promised

Jade and Jade are saved, Meghan is under arrested, Harry has a confession to tell ?

Well it all sounds complicated right ?
The next chapter explains everything

3 Chapters left ♡

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