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Hey, y'all so just want to clarify some stuff. People have been saying this story is so good and that they love it. 

I want to let everyone know right now

1. Thank you so much lovelies. This is my very first writing experience that isn't a college essay or research paper. So it means a lot that you guys love what I am writing.

2. Now number 2. I am not going to take all or any credit at all for this book. The original author has not messaged me back on anything I have tried to text her on but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve credit and ALL RIGHTS. This story belongs to CALLIEBODE and only her.

3. I know there are people out there that hate that I am doing this and say I am stealing, but let me defend myself a bit. I am giving her complete credit and rights over what I am writing, I have made it very clear that this is not my story, and I have tried every way possible to reach out to her. Stealing would be claiming this is all mine, disregarding the fact that someone else wrote this, and saying that I have all rights reserved. 

4. Think about it like this. the movies After, Kissing Booth, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, etc that are also books have things written on here and other platforms that continue the story. There are some with what should have happened endings. Why is it that I am just trying to continue someone's unfinished work and being hated on but others aren't and are only given praise? 

Sorry had to vent a little on the last 2 points but you get my gif. Please go check out other stories by CALLIEBODE. She is an amazing author.

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