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Toms POV•
Yes ok of course I remember the rules but I thought because of last night it would have eased a bit. But sadly again I was wrong.
When I arrive at work I park in the CEO parking space. What's weird is Lias spot is empty, yet she left before me so she should be here now.
"Hey Greta has anyone else come through yet?" I ask when I walk in, trying not to spoil the surprise.
"Lias upstairs if that's what you are asking sir." She replied with a smirk.
"Thank you." I head in the elevator and go up to the top floor.
Walking down the hall I see everyone working, but what's again weird is George is not out here. I walk closer to the door and I can hear him inside with her laughing on and on about stuff. I guess I will have to check what happened to the car later.

I've been sitting in my office for what feels like 3 hours but the clock confirms it has been 30 minutes.
Knock Knock
"Come in." It's probably Sarah since Haz barely speaks to me and George was with Lia.
"Mr. Holland." It's Lia. "George has informed me of everything I have missed and I got started on a lot of it but there is one golf course we are trying to open up in Baltimore and I have a few questions and concerns."
"Of course Lia, and you don't need to call me that. It's always Tom to you and you don't need to knock either." I tell her confused on why she's being different.
"You are my boss and it is respectful to knock before entering and to refer to you as Mr.Holland sir." I don't like this but I understand.
"Ok Mrs. Holland..."
"That's not my name sir. Please do refer to my maiden name," she interrupts.
"Yes of course Miss Daniels. So what seems to be the questions you have about the course?"
"Well for starters the dimensions of it as well as a preferred construction team you have for it. I would also like to know which part of Baltimore, currently there are 3 vacant areas but on opposite sides of town."
And this is how our whole meeting went. I am actually just noticing something, she left the door open.
After figuring everything out I got to my questions.
"Lia how did you get to work today?"
"What do you mean? I drove remember? You saw me leave."
"Yes but when I got here you weren't parked in your spot. Did you go somewhere before coming?" I ask.
"No. I parked elsewhere," she admits.
"Why Lia? That's your parking spot."
"No Tom. It is reserved for Mrs. Holland. I am no longer her, so therefore that is not my spot. If no further questions then I will see you later."
I watch her leave and I knew I just need to do something to fix this.

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